The answer (right but impossible) of atheism

Why does humanity still need religions today? The famous essay by Georges Minois Religions, especially monotheistic ones, are intolerant. Their beliefs clash with scientific evidence. The same undeniable presence in the world and in man of Evil, of diseases, of suffering, of pain, constitutes the simplest proof of the non-existence of a divinity that is … Read more

Fall, Mission : Impossible… 10 films qui donnent le vertige

Le très flippant Fall exploite une peur fondamentale et paradoxalement plutôt rare au cinéma : la peur du vide. À l’occasion de sa sortie, retour sur 10 films qui donnent le vertige. Fall est désormais disponible en Blu-ray, DVD et VOD. Le survival réalisé par Scott Mann raconte l’ascension d’une tour de télécommunication de 600 mètres, ascension qui … Read more

“With Viola Davis it is impossible to have the Impostor Syndrome”: ‘The King Woman’, fascinating in front of and behind the cameras

A film directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood about the Amazons of the Kingdom of Dahomey that hits theaters this Friday, November 25 and already smells like an Oscar. A couple of months ago it arrived at the theaters on the other side of the pond and it is already rumored that Viola Davis (57) could make … Read more

“As a Catholic doctor, it seemed impossible to me not to listen to patients asking for euthanasia”

While I was a general practitioner in France, I discovered palliative care in 1988 on the occasion of the painful end of life of a loved one. Having first had the opportunity to work in this sector in Paris, I then moved to Belgium: I joined the palliative care team at home in my province … Read more

Lovaganza: the great illusion, the art of selling us the impossible

You have to delve into your memories for a long time to find traces of the Lovaganza affair, a scandal that nevertheless cost millions, even tens of millions of dollars. And watching The Great Illusionthe documentary on this dark story directed by Aude Leroux-Lévesque and Sébastien Rist, we understand, with a certain frustration, why this … Read more