Alberto Linero spoke with Infobae about his new book and his new life: “Being spiritual as a couple makes me happier”

Alberto Linero left the priesthood in 2018 after expressing some differences with the actions of the church in cases of abuse the ex-priest Alberto Linero He is one of the most recognized writers and communicators among believers and non-believers in the country. His decision to retire from the priesthood surprised his followers but it did … Read more

Employees of the Floriddia farm: “We work less and are happier”

At the Floriddia farm, a company that produces and transforms cereals and legumes on the Pisan hills, work on short-time hours has been experimented for exactly ten years. The company employs 11 people, 7 of whom are on permanent contracts, an apprentice, plus three members of the family. Their working week averages 29 hours each. … Read more