The founder of Hakuna: “We are convinced that God is life and life must rule over the institution”

The Hakuna headquarters is an unexpected metaphor. The door is open; the plot is old, but the trees are green and there is a fresh smell, under a sun that appears and hides behind the clouds. The facilities made up a women’s convent with all the appearance of having been built half a century ago. … Read more

Manglano, en «El Debate»: «En Hakuna no buscamos la provocación pero no nos importa provocar»

Queda poco más de un día para que un simple centro de ocio y espectáculos, el Palacio Vistalegre de Madrid, se convierta en un macroespacio de oración abarrotado por cerca de 8.000 jóvenes. Hakuna  presentará su nuevo disco, Qaos, en lo que será un espectáculo insólito que tiene lugar exactamente un año después desde que presentasen Sencillamente. … Read more

The founder of Hakuna: «We have the conviction that God is life and life must rule over the institution»

The Hakuna headquarters is an unexpected metaphor. The door is open; the plot is old, but the trees are green and there is a fresh smell, under a sun that appears and hides behind the clouds. The facilities made up a women’s convent with all the appearance of having been built half a century ago. … Read more