Astrology, magic jewelry, gurus… Behind the business of esotericism, a real thirst for spirituality

The market for esotericism is flourishing. A curious commercial alchemy that hides a real aspiration to spirituality. Decryption. Astrology (celestial configurations), numerology (properties of numbers), lithotherapy (benefits of stones), tarotoracles, shamanism, vipassana meditation are not new beliefs and practices. But in recent years, they have crystallized the different faces of the sacred in our Western … Read more

Gurus, crooks 2.0: the new faces of sectarian influence

In its 2021 activity report, published on November 3, the Interministerial Mission for Vigilance and the Fight against Sectarian Abuses (Miviludes) warns of “the vivacity of the sectarian phenomenon, its extent and its dangerousness” of which she notes the “crossing a new threshold” with 4,020 referrals in 2021, an increase of 33.6% compared to the … Read more