Parcours, prière, indulgence… Le guide pour fêter les 350 ans des apparitions à Paray

Du 27 décembre 2023 au 27 juin 2025, le sanctuaire de Paray-le-Monial célèbre le Jubilé des 350 ans des apparitions de Jésus à sainte Marguerite-Marie. Au cœur de la démarche, passer la Porte jubilaire, et consacrer son cœur et sa vie au Sacré-Cœur. Il ne s’agit pas d’une année mais plus exactement de 18 mois … Read more

Tout sur le handpan : origine, bienfaits et guide d’achat

Cela vous intéressera aussi Connaissez-vous le « handpan » ? Découvrez l’origine de cet instrument, ses particularités, ses effets sur la réduction du stress ainsi qu’une panoplie de conseils pour acheter un handpan de haute qualité pour vous essayer à cette nouvelle discipline musicale, au croisement de la rythmique et de la méditation. Le handpan et … Read more

Psychedelic therapy: a trip that requires an experienced guide

Trainees also learn to facilitate the process of integration in which patients incorporate into their daily lives what they thought and felt during their psychedelic journey. Again, conventional therapists may find themselves in uncharted territory. “In psilocybin trials, people are reported to have had mystical experiences. Usually, talking about it doesn’t necessarily fit into psychotherapy,” … Read more

Guide ultime de la signification et du symbolisme des fleurs jaunes dans le monde entier | Nostrodomus

Lorsque vous pensez à des célébrations printanières joyeuses et à des choses qui peuvent instantanément égayer votre journée, les fleurs jaunes peuvent vous venir à l’esprit. C’est parce que le jaune est considéré comme une couleur joyeuse dans de nombreuses régions du monde. Mais est-ce le cas partout ? Dans ce guide, nous allons vous … Read more

Beginner’s Guide to Spiritual Stones, Their Meaning and Properties

In the first moment, the spiritual stones may seem like the latest fashion in the wellness universe and astrology to spread love and good vibes. But after gaining an army of loyal fans, including Miranda Kerr, Adele, Katy Perry and the Gigi and Bella Hadidthese crystals have become big business backed by many who claim … Read more

Spiritual directors: the new guide of spirituality without religions

Susan Pannier-Cass, spiritual director and ordained minister, at her home in Chicago on Dec. 11, 2020. (Evan Jenkins/The New York Times) Last spring, after getting divorced, Qadeera Ingram needed someone to talk to. In particular, she wanted to talk about spirituality and the bigger picture of her life. Although Ingram, a 33-year-old government contractor in … Read more

Liturgical Guide for the Funeral Mass of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI | Episcopal Conference of Colombia

Sat 7 Jan 2023 “Creating and strengthening networks, a challenge in evangelization”: Bishop Luis Manuel Alí “The Catholic Church in Colombia, at the national and local level, is experiencing a moment of grace, review and projection, in light of Pope Francis’ call to be a Church in communion, participation and mission”, highlighted Monsignor Luis Manuel … Read more

‘Closures of Toledo’, a unique guide to Toledo convents to help preserve them

At the gates of the convent of Santo Domingo el Antiguo, Sister María awaits with her eternal smile. This nun from India is now one of those responsible for this community and one of the few that inhabits this historic building that she presumes, among other things, to house in her crypt the remains of … Read more

The Pope rescues the teachings of Saint Francis de Sales, “guide of souls”, on the fourth centenary of his death

ROME, Dec. 28 (EUROPA PRESS) – The Pope has compiled the teachings of Saint Francis de Sales, one of the great teachers of French spirituality, considered the patron saint of journalists and a doctor of the Church, on the fourth centenary of his death. Francisco has referred to him as “interpreter of the change of … Read more