La dévotion à l’Enfant Jésus et la grâce de l’innocence

La nuit du 24 décembre, tous les regards convergent vers Bethléem où il y plus de 2 000 ans le Verbe s’est fait chair et a habité parmi nous dans une humble petite étable de Palestine. Si la Nativité de l’Enfant Jésus est bien relatée dans les Saintes Écritures, les détails sur son enfance sont … Read more

“Saint Thérèse is very Lutheran when she speaks of grace”

Protestant, how did you discover Saint Thérèse of Lisieux? Karin Johannesson: I grew up in a Lutheran family, we went to church. There was a bookshop in our neighborhood run by the publishing house of the Free Churches of Sweden, and we must believe that they liked the saints of Carmel because they sold the … Read more

Hamel trial: “The actors in this extraordinary trial were literally gripped by moments of grace”

These are words heard a hundred times during the reading of the Word: “Forgive your enemies”…, “Love your enemies”…, “Forgive 77 times 7 times”… But when it comes to passing the word to acts, how many of us are not the sleepy ones in the Garden of Olives? During the four weeks that the trial … Read more

“Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you” (Lk 1, 26

Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke During that time,the angel Gabriel was sent by Godin a city of Galilee called Nazareth,to a young virgin,given in marriage to a man of the house of David,called Joseph;and the girl’s name was Mary.The angel came to her and said:“I greet you, Filled-with-grace,the Lord is with you. … Read more

The ‘Amazing Grace’ show in A Coruña and the historical avant

We start the week before the big days of Christmas with a cultural agenda that still has events that will allow us to escape a bit from the festive reality that surrounds us. Those who want more wood and like to attend a Christmas-scented show will also have their chance, especially with the performances of … Read more

Un record vieux de 10 ans sur ce jeu mythique vient de tomber grâce à une stratégie surprenante

C’est bien connu, c’est du côté des plus vieux jeux vidéo que se situent les performances de speedrun les plus impressionnantes. Lorsqu’il s’agit de battre des records vieux d’au moins une dizaine d’années, les joueurs rivalisent de talent (et d’ingéniosité) et finissent par marquer l’histoire du titre sur lesquels ils s’acharnent. Aujourd’hui, coup de projecteur … Read more

“Brideshead Revisited”, a novel that shows the invisible action of Providence and grace

Return to Brideshead [Brideshead revisited] is the most famous novel Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966), writer converted to Catholicism and also author of a biography of the martyr Saint Edmund Campion. Following the celebrated 1981 television series and the film he directed Julian Jarrold in 2008 (with a relevant role of emma thompson), a new version for … Read more

Yom Kippur, the day of grace of messianic humanity…

This sentence is from Hermann Cohen, the eminent German philosopher who founded the neo-Kantian school of Marburg and of which Franz Rosenzweig was, to a certain extent, the spiritual heir. It may seem curious, even amusing, but at the time when everyone is returning to school, back to work, the daily grind, the Jewish people … Read more

Ezra Miller, the young Hollywood talent who fell from grace in just two years

It is, sadly, a story repeated in that factory of nightmares that Hollywood also knows how to be: the story of a rising star, with everything to succeed, who collapses between scandalous accusations. Last on that list is Ezra Miller. The 29-year-old actor received a complaint for breaking into a house in Vermont, United States. … Read more

Fabio Volo / “God? I feel it but I ask nothing: I am in that grace …”

Fabio Volo was the last guest on today’s episode of From Us to Free Wheelled by Francesca Fialdini. Her eleventh novel has been at the top of the charts for weeks: “But isn’t it a wonderful country?” Eight million copies sold and her texts also translated into 22 languages: “I’m better abroad,” he joked. “Live … Read more