La intensidad poética le regresó a Ignacio Solares en sus últimos días: José Gordon

“Flotas en ese gran río liso y silencioso que fluye con tanta serenidad que podría pensarse que el agua está dormida. Un río dormido. Pero fluye irresistiblemente. La vida fluye silenciosa e irresistiblemente hacia una paz viviente, tanto más profunda, tanto más rica y fuerte cuanto que conoce sus dolores y desdichas, los conoce y … Read more

Halloween Ends Le réalisateur David Gordon Green sur le sort de Michael Myers

David Gordon Vertc’est Halloween la trilogie est officiellement terminée – ou l’a-t-elle? Avec le film maintenant disponible pour regarder dans les salles ou sur Peacock, j’ai eu la chance de poser à Green certaines de mes questions les plus brûlantes sur le film. Halloween se termine commence quatre ans après les événements de Halloween 2018 … Read more

David Gordon Green will repeat the ‘Halloween’ formula in his ‘The Exorcist’ trilogy

With ‘The Exorcist’, director David Gordon Green plans to deliver a more thoughtful and profound thriller triptych than the nostalgia for the past provided by his ‘Halloween’ trilogy, but using a similar strategy. David Gordon Green began his career in the field of comedy alongside James Franco and Seth Rogen. His best work in this … Read more

David Gordon Green On The Difference Between Doing The Exorcist And Halloween

In the genre of horror, both the Halloween and The Exorcist franchises are mainstays in their own ways. Both films paved the way in the ’70s for subgenres to follow, and decades later, a filmmaker is tackling both in order to bring them back to big-screen audiences in new ways. With Halloween endsthe latest installment … Read more

The Exorcist: the new trilogy will have nothing to do with its Halloween, according to David Gordon Green

David Gordon Green has confessed to working on a new trilogy on The Exorcist after his trilogy Halloween and ensures that the treatment will be very different. David Gordon Green was best known before for his comedies with the small band of James Franco and Seth Rogen. His most telling feat within this team was … Read more