Charly López unmasks her ex; he affirms that he only expected the death of Fer del Solar

At the beginning of December, Charly López’s ex was a guest on Yordi Rosado’s talk show, where she talked about him and another ex-partner, Fernando del Solar. The former Garibaldi assures that his ex “wanted to clean up his image” during his interview and requested to have his right of reply, since his statements were … Read more

Remédier à une carence en fer en équilibrant son alimentation

Le fer est indispensable à notre bonne santé, c’est un fait. Mais comment nous assurer que notre alimentation nous apporte ce dont nous avons besoin ? Commençons par détruire un mythe… Les épinards de Popeye ne sont pas riches en fer. La teneur n’y est que 2,1 mg par 100 g d’épinards frais. Autre mythe … Read more