Christian Cueva rogó perdón a Pamela López tras retiro espiritual y justificó su infidelidad: “Te amo, no era yo”

Christian Cueva rogó perdón a Pamela López y se justificó de infidelidad: “Te amo, no era yo”. (Captura: Magaly TV La Firme) En el último episodio de ‘Magaly TV La Firme’ del 25 de marzo, la conductora Magaly Medina presentó un informe especial preparado por su equipo de prensa. En este reporte se reveló la … Read more

Pedro Alonso: “Necesitamos referentes espirituales ante el colapso de nuestra era”

“Si echamos una vistazo a la historia, todas las eras colapsaron y dejaron paso a otras. Creo que estamos ante un colapso y si no hay referentes espirituales e ideológicos que digan que hay que parar la máquina, esto puede ir a peor”. Con esta declaración, el actor, pintor y escritor vigués Pedro Alonso reflexionaba … Read more

El plan original de Black Panther 2 era “espiritualmente similar” a lo que es Wakanda Forever

Ryan Coogler explica cómo abordó el fallecimiento de Chadwick Boseman en Black Panther: Wakanda Forever de una manera que honrase al actor Hace cuatro años, Black Panther, el debut del director Ryan Coogler en el Universo Cinematográfico Marvel, redefinió lo que podía ser una típica película de “superhéroes”. Ahora, el director vuelve con la esperada … Read more

Absorbido por la Nueva Era, conoció «el mal»: Effetá le preparó para la fe y la «guerra espiritual»

A sus 25 años, David López-Zuazo se muestra clarividente en sus reflexiones en torno a la fe, la crisis de un mundo que considera un “caos absoluto” y su llamado a “no quedarse de brazos cruzados” ante el ataque a los pilares de Occidente. Parece no callarse ni tener miedo a mostrar su fe en … Read more

Built under the era of Paul Chollet, the mosque inaugurated

The beautiful Moorish work with its stucco interlacing was officially inaugurated on Saturday. A project that had been postponed by the health crisis. Official inauguration ceremony on Saturday with ribbon cutting in the presence of members of the Association of Muslims of Agenais, President Messaoud Settati at the head, the sub-prefect, the mayor of Agen, … Read more

Built under the era of Paul Chollet, the mosque inaugurated

the essential The beautiful Moorish work with its stucco interlacing was officially inaugurated on Saturday. A project that had been postponed by the health crisis. Official inauguration ceremony on Saturday with ribbon cutting in the presence of members of the Association of Muslims of Agenais, President Messaoud Settati at the head, the sub-prefect, the mayor … Read more

“The End of an Era” by Elizabeth Jane Howard: nostalgic farewell to the Cazalet family

Well, there it is ! We knew that one day we would have to close the cover of the last volume of this English family saga. And say goodbye to Rachel, Hugh, Edward and Rupert, to Louise, Polly and Clary and to all this Cazalet family which the French reader had met in the spring … Read more

Le nuove stanze della poesia, Mitti che Cristu era natu all’Aquila: ju vangelu aquilanu di Tonino Frattale

L’appuntamento con Le nuove stanze della poesia, la rubrica di Valter Marcone: Tonino Frattale, “Mitti che Cristu era natu all’Aquila – Ju vangelu aquilanu”. Domenica 11 dicembre alle 18, a Palazzetto dei Nobili, è stato presentato il libro, edito dalla Daimon, di L’Aquila di Tonino Frattale dal titolo esemplificativo “Mitti che Cristu era natu all’Aquila … Read more

Era is reborn and will shake the Zenith of Toulouse with his “medieval” and heroic rock

the essential The advent of the universe of heroic fantasy and the expectation of an international audience prompted Éric Levi, the founder of the group Era, to hit the road again with a group and singers. To be seen on Sunday at the Zénith… and in February 2024. “The Live Experience”, your latest album, gives … Read more

Mariano Grondona: chiaroscuro of the intellectual who marked an era of journalism

“The hearing is a mystery, It’s like throwing a bottle into the sea. That way it comes back, that way it doesn’t“This is how he sometimes referred to his career on television Mariano Grondonawhose style and depth marked an era in the journalism Argentinian. Strongly criticized and admired by both, the journalist and writer who … Read more