Holistic beauty: between spirituality, neuroscience and quantum dimension

The mystical beauty or spiritual beauty is therefore booming because it meets this demand and adds a level to the holistic dimension that we knew. Holistic beauty, whose name comes from the Greek holos (“everything” and “whole”), apprehends it in its totality, taking into account our four dimensions which are the physical, the mental, the … Read more

Religion in the psychotherapeutic process! Does this dimension exist in this area?

The question of spirituality in psychology and psychiatry often arises, and sometimes continues to be a point of debate, especially in our Moroccan society, so called Muslim. Clinically speaking, religious beliefs help mental health specialists understand the social and cultural background from which the patient comes. And to better understand the educational style of the … Read more

Spirituality, an inner dimension to take care of

Health is a fundamental component of our life. The concept of health was first defined in 1948 by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Subsequently, at a WHO meeting in 1998, the modification of the original definition … Read more

Ecological Dimension: challenged to educate and promote the spirituality of caring for our Common Home

The Ecclesial Assembly of Latin America and the Caribbean celebrated its first anniversary and on October 31, Pope Francis was presented with the text Towards a Synodal Church going out to the peripheries that arose from this process of community listening, dialogue and discernment This December 2, the continental meetings ended with the analysis of … Read more

Sebastián Sánchez: “Una dimensión no abordada de la guerra de Malvinas es la presencia de sacerdotes en las islas”

El historiador Sebastián Sánchez, autor de “El Altar y la Guerra. Los capellanes de la gesta de Malvinas” En este año del 40 aniversario de la Guerra de Malvinas, la Cancillería argentina, siguiendo las modas del momento, decidió resignificar -según el término también en boga- ese acontecimiento histórico desde la perspectiva de género y -no … Read more

Prophetic and Formative Dimension: Integral, overcoming clericalism, from the option for the poor

A prophetic and formative dimension that can be considered one of the bases for the transmission of the faith, following the ecclesial Tradition and the guidelines of the Magisterium. From multiculturalism, it seeks to deepen incarnated spiritual formation, in the culture of care, starting from Baptism and focused on the option of the poor It … Read more

End of life: also supporting the patient’s spiritual dimension

Elisabeth de Courrèges, occupational therapist, is currently on a mission with the Œuvre d’Orient in a pediatric palliative care unit in Armenia. Summoning the memory of an internship carried out in a palliative care unit in Lille, she evokes the delicate question of the spiritual accompaniment of people at the end of life. Can faith … Read more

Une guerre dans la religion ? 10 points sur la dimension confessionnelle de l’invasion de l’Ukraine

Auteur Jean-Benoît Poulle Image © AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka Date 8 mars 2022 Ajouter Article ajouté Télécharger le PDF Partager 1 — L’invalidation de la théorie huntingtonienne du choc des civilisations Que l’Ukraine soit étymologiquement une «  marche  », une région frontalière, se vérifie aussi dans le domaine religieux. Les fractures confessionnelles, auxquelles il ne faut certes pas … Read more

End of life: also supporting the patient’s spiritual dimension

Elisabeth de Courrèges, occupational therapist, is currently on a mission with the Œuvre d’Orient in a pediatric palliative care unit in Armenia. Summoning the memory of an internship carried out in a palliative care unit in Lille, she evokes the delicate question of the spiritual accompaniment of people at the end of life. Can faith … Read more

Paolo Bona: spirituality is a current and beneficial dimension

It still makes sense there spirituality today? In an increasingly hectic world, the ability to stop, to be silent and look for space in one contemplative dimensionit not only makes sense, it becomes source of well-being. Various scientific evidences link spirituality to well-being, to the best quality of life, to the same longevity.There are those … Read more