Guillaume Bardet, designer : « Mon mobilier pour Notre

Le sculpteur et designer Guillaume Bardet, le 23 juin. GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT/AFP Dieulefit… Comme un signe du ciel ou une joyeuseté du destin. Tel est le nom du village drômois où est installé le designer Guillaume Bardet, inconnu du grand public jusqu’à ce qu’il ait été, à 52 ans, choisi pour dessiner le mobilier liturgique … Read more

Interview with Muriel Parra, Chilean costume designer with a long history and part of “Sayen”

A few weeks ago we were invited to witness the press function of sayen, the first film in a Chilean trilogy produced by Fábula, by the Larraín brothers that can be seen on Prime Video. The story follows the first Mapuche action heroine, played by rallen montenegroin a story full of intrigue, action and other … Read more

Avatar 2, the production designer on the look of the Tulkun: ‘Making them was a design challenge’

Avatar – The Waterway is conquering the box office but the challenges to achieve it were neither few nor simple, far from it. In a new interview, the production designer of James Cameron’s film, Dylan Coletalked about one of the countless challenges his team faced, namely the making of Tulkuns, which play a crucial role. … Read more

Saint Josephine Bakhita, the amazing inspiration of an Ivorian designer

Ursuline Begorre, Ivorian designer inspired by Saint Bakhita/Guy Aimé Eblotié/LCA Portrait In Côte d’Ivoire, designer Ursuline Begorre claims to find her inspiration in the life and virtues of Saint Josephine Bakhita, a former slave of Sudanese origin who became a nun and canonized in 2000. At the beginning of October, she will present her new … Read more