La Jornada: Godzilla Minus One resalta la espiritualidad japonesa que define a la cinta original de 1954: Yamazaki

Godzilla Minus One resalta la espiritualidad japonesa que define a la cinta original de 1954: Yamazaki ▲ Escena de la reciente cinta de Takashi Yamazaki que clausura el Festival Internacional de Cine de Tokio.Foto Ap Ap   Periódico La JornadaSábado 4 de noviembre de 2023, p. 6 Tokio. Godzilla, el monstruo de pesadilla que arroja … Read more

Interview with María Victoria Caro Bernal: “I define myself in my poems and in the title of the book, Tierra amada. Spirit of perfection”

In 1986, he won the First Andalusian Prize for Poetry Antonio Machado, the year in which he published his first work, white linen (Parasol notebooks). She is also the author of Scepter of Living Thorns (Tulipa Editora, 2019), written in Galician and Farsi, and beloved land. spirit of perfectionwith a version only in Spanish (Vive … Read more