Unconventional medicine, spirituality… Since Covid

After two years of health crisis, Scientologists and Jehovah’s Witnesses are now in competition with the new health and well-being gurus in the sights of Miviludes. The interministerial mission responsible for combating sectarian aberrations reported on Thursday a record increase in referrals and pointed in particular to the surge in reports concerning “therapeutic aberrations and … Read more

Unconventional medicine, spirituality… Since Covid

After two years of health crisis, Scientologists and Jehovah’s Witnesses are now in competition with the new health and well-being gurus in the sights of Miviludes. The interministerial mission responsible for combating sectarian aberrations reported on Thursday a record increase in referrals and pointed in particular to the surge in reports concerning “therapeutic aberrations and … Read more

Unconventional medicine, spirituality… Since Covid

After two years of health crisis, Scientologists and Jehovah’s Witnesses are now in competition with the new health and well-being gurus in the sights of Miviludes. The interministerial mission responsible for combating sectarian aberrations reported on Thursday a record increase in referrals and pointed in particular to the surge in reports concerning “therapeutic aberrations and … Read more

Covid increases the NEET share: + 34% between 25 and 29 years and there are more women

ROME – Education and knowledge increase, there is an advance in the skill set but the pace is slow and Italy is unable to reach the levels of more modern countries. In twenty years – as explained by the OECD report ‘Education at a Glance – A look at education’ – the level has risen … Read more

75 years after Frank Capra’s film, life is still wonderful (despite Covid)

On April 12, 1917, a young woman stands on the bridge that connects the two banks of the Seneca-Cayuga section of the Barge Canal in Seneca Falls, New York, ready to jump into the freezing water to take his own life. The Italian immigrant Antonio Varacalli, whose age is variously referred to as 17, 20 … Read more

Kindergartens, dual level measures based on covid epidemiology

Kindergartens, dual-level measures based on epidemiology The new anti-Covid rules are ready for the return of children to Italian preschools. The ‘Strategic Indications’ for the 2022-2023 school year, published today, were defined by the Higher Institute of Health (Iss) with the Ministries of Health and Education and with the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, … Read more

Spiritual life and Covid: “The pandemic forces us to ask ourselves: what is it to be present to the other? »

Dominican nun, Anne Lécu is a doctor in prison in the Paris region. She is particularly interested in issues related to the body and embodiment. The pandemic imposes a limitation of gestures. How does this affect our practice, our prayer, in a religion where the incarnation is so important? Praying with others is still possible … Read more

Sant’Anna, the party returns to Caserta but the Covid nightmare looms over the rites

With the first Sunday of July the series of celebrations in preparation for the feast of the next 26 began with the most solemn rite of festive masses, dedicated to Sant’Anna who in particular is the patron saint of the city of Caserta, together with Saint Sebastian who is celebrated on January 20. The people … Read more

Arte, artisti e pandemia. Come cambiano le cose post Covid

“Nessun angolo del nostro pianeta è rimasto intoccato dalla crisi causata dall’emergenza Covid-19. Il virus ci è costato molte vite e i lockdown che abbiamo sperimentato in molte nazioni ha distrutto posti di lavoro e imprese. Nel momento in cui stiamo scrivendo, l’impatto socio- economico lasciato dalla pandemia, a lungo e medio termine, è molto … Read more

Patrushev, le parole (e i deliri) del falco di Putin: il Covid creato dagli Usa, la teoria del nuovo patriota, le prossime guerre

Lo chiamano “l’anima nera dello zar”, ma anche “l’uomo più pericoloso della Russia”. Eppure Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev non ha un ruolo istituzionale a Mosca: è solo il segretario del Consiglio di Sicurezza della Federazione russa, un organo costituzionale che elabora le decisioni del presidente russo in materia di sicurezza nazionale e altre questioni di interesse … Read more