Le « Bien Commun », histoire d’un concept

Ces derniers mois, l’expression « Bien Commun » tend à retenir l’attention médiatique, en témoigne l’inflation éditoriale à ce sujet : citons ici le récent « Composer un monde en commun », de l’économiste jésuite Gaël Giraud (Seuil, 2022) ou encore le dossier spécial de La Croix daté de novembre dernier. Il est aussi courant d’entendre, dans … Read more

Avatar 2 tells a central concept of our century: the Anthropocene

We would have entered the Anthropocene, a geological era where humanity influences the planet. The Avatar franchise is known for its green dimension. How does James Cameron approach the Anthropocene? Gatien Gambin, PhD student in Cultural Studies, explains it in The Conversation. Warning spoilers: the following article presents some elements of the film likely to … Read more

Merlina Addams, Sabrina Spellman and more: How millennials redefine the concept of witchcraft

On Spotify, the esoteric podcasts they gain popularity; on social media, the astrologers and tarot readers they become celebrities. In turn, more and more people are buying candles and palo santo and planting their intentions on each new moon. A few months ago, exclusively with Vogue, the Mexican actress Salma Hayek confessed to always carry … Read more

News Cameroon :: From faithism to the concept of LIBS: let’s talk about Olivier Bilé :: Cameroon news

Theist, democrat, pan-Africanist, nationalist, honest and visionary, that’s all Olivier Bilé there. We are not going, by economy of words, to cut off its attributes. Once upon a time… about 12 years ago, Olivier Bilé asserted himself as a theoretician and revealed his thinking in what he called political faithism. The man meant by this … Read more

The common good, a look back at the origins of a concept in tune with the times

Such a strong need for the commons: perhaps this is revealed, consciously or not, by the references to the common good that today pepper public and private conversations. At a time of hyperindividualism and all-out commodification, of a precariousness of public services and an exacerbation of private interests in the economic struggle, the reference to … Read more