What is India like, beyond the stereotypes | They published a chronicle by Fernando Duclos, “Periodistán”

India is so vast and complex that having managed to capture in just over 300 pages a rich personal experience, plus a synthesis of the country’s historical evolution, added to its cultural, political and religious contradictions, can be classified as a miracle. However, nothing more earthly than A trip to India of flesh and blooda … Read more

The Ukrainian mimes Dekru at the Teatro Feronia in San Severino Marche with the SIC project ⋆ Latest news from Marche and Piceno: Chronicle, Sport, Events

Readings: 39 SAN SEVERINO MARCHE – After the sold outs recorded in the three dates scheduled between the end of October and December, the new cycle of appointments of the SIC / Circus Innovation Building at the Feronia Theater in San Severino Marche (MC) with the Ukrainians Dekru that they bring to the stage … Read more

“Benedict XVI’s letter to artists”, Victor Benz’s “Sacred Art” chronicle in homage to the pope emeritus | RCF Jerico Moselle, RCF Lorraine Nancy

Since yesterday, tens of thousands of people pay their last respects to the pope in Rome Benedict XVI. Let us remember that he was a great man, pastor of the Church in search of peace and reconciliation, theologian who will continue to nourish the thought of the Church, but also a great lover of art … Read more

The cinerary of the Cristo Rey Parish of Rada Tilly was inaugurated | Daily Chronicle

After three years of work, it was inaugurated this month with the presence of those who made its construction possible. It is a space whose purpose is to provide a resting place for those deceased who have been cremated. On December 11, the first Rada Tilly cinerary was inaugurated, with the presence of the faithful … Read more

Great Masters of the Scene for the end of the year and the beginning of the new one at the Teatro dell’Iride in Petritoli ⋆ Latest news from Marche and Piceno: Chronicle, Sport, Events

Readings: 56 PETRITOLI – The review “Master Villages of the Scena” proposes a triple appointment to celebrate the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 with theatre, great music and Opera. On December 30th the show “Light Souls” by Dekruaward-winning quartet of Ukrainian mimes whose physical virtuosity entertained and moved spectators from all … Read more

Ancona, at the Panettone Theater Light Anime is staged with the Dekrù ⋆ Latest news from Marche and Piceno: Chronicle, Sport, Events

Readings: 44 ANCONA – Appointment on December 29 at the Panettone Theater with an extraordinary event outside the billboard, this is the 25th show of the season, and the only representation for the province of Ancona. LIGHT SOULS performed by the quartet Dekru’ with the production of Mosaico Errante. Written and directed by Liubov … Read more

In “Bardo, false chronicle of some truths”, Alejandro González Iñárritu delivers an intimate version

He had wanted to take a step back from his career after his best director Oscar obtained for the Revenant (2015). Alejandro González Iñarritu 59, breaks the silence with his new feature film with the enigmatic title, bardo, false chronicle of some truths, available on Netflix Friday. The story of Silverio, Mexican journalist and documentary … Read more

From Bowie to Buñuel: Alejandro G. Iñárritu Shares His Inspirations Behind ‘Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths’

Alexander González Mike Marsland/WireImage At Netflix Bardo, false chronicle of a handful of truths, Daniel Giménez Cacho plays Silverio Gama, a renowned documentary filmmaker who is set to receive a prestigious award for his career as a journalist when he returns to his native Mexico after living with his family in Los Angeles for decades. … Read more

“Chronicle of a passing affair”: Emmanuel Mouret, or the love of the filmed word

When, at the beginning of the film Chronicle of a temporary liaison, Charlotte and Simon agree to maintain a relationship devoid of complications or sentimental commitment, we know from the outset, unlike them, that love awaits them at the bend. Indeed, after the happy bachelor and the unfaithful married man for the first time have … Read more

Ceremony at Villa Mascardi: chronicle of the Mapuche ritual in support of the Lafken Winkul Mapu community

In the disputed territory, the community persecuted by the government and the provincial justice system carried out an ancestral ceremony in front of Lake Mascardi, in an act of spirituality that gives meaning to the place from which they were dispossessed. A moment of connection with natural forces, while the security forces control the passage … Read more