Lgbt Christians from the Pope. In Ragusa from all over Italy for a spirituality meeting

There was also a group of LGBT + Christians from Ragusa at the audience with Pope Francis yesterday morning in St. Peter’s Square. Francis met some members of the association La Tenda di Gionata, which brings together LGBT + Christians. Over one hundred gay and lesbian people, their parents and the pastoral workers who accompany … Read more

The editorial of the week of 09/16/2022 with Camille: Euthanasia, Charles III, Armenia, the Christians of Lebanon

The editorial of the week with Camille is a summary of the four key topics that animated the Christian sphere this week. Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday the launch of a broad citizen consultation on the end of life, with a view to a possible new “legal framework” by the end of 2023. An announcement … Read more

“In Africa, people are baptized without making them Christians”

Day “the catechist listening to his pastor”, mass to Saint Rita of Kisantu / Prisca Materanya / LCA Interview Author of numerous works, Father Alain Clément Amiézi, will be ordained on September 24 as bishop of Odiénné, in the north of the Ivory Coast. To have a “Adult Church” in Africa, “ we must reinvent … Read more

Tamil Nadu, Christians attacked: Archbishop Machado asks that religious freedom be respected

The Archbishop of Vasai called for the law to be allowed to run its course after the arrest of a local official accused of assaulting some Christians. Members of a Hindu nationalist organization protested outside the police station demanding his release. Chennai (AsiaNews) – “We must support the multi-religious and multicultural nature of India, and … Read more

Tamil Nadu, Christians attacked: Msgr. Machado calls for respect for religious freedom

The Archbishop of Vasai asked to let the law take its course after the arrest of a local official accused of assaulting some Christians. Members of a Hindu nationalist organization protested in front of the police station demanding his release. Chennai (AsiaNews) – “India’s multireligious and multicultural character and the country’s spirituality must be supported … Read more

Young veiled Christians on TikTok: “There is a return of a form of spirituality of the body”

Will Christianity also have to come to terms with the veil? Young women and teenage girls claiming to be Christian wear the veil more and more and promote it on the TikTok social network. A sign of religiosity traditionally associated with Muslim women, to which European Christianity is not accustomed. Symbol of modesty, imitation of … Read more

“The necessary formation of Christians in integral ecology”

Since 2019, the Conference of Bishops of France has wished to work on the understanding and reception of the encyclical Laudato si’ in the Church of France. This work cycle ended on April 8, 2022 in Lourdes. It will have been marked by the very disturbed context of the last few years and months both … Read more