Franco Simone y shows en Chile: “Muchos países se ponen celosos”

Francesco Luigi Simone, conocido como Franco Simone, conversó con La Cuarta en medio de la ola de calor que azota a Europa. De hecho, nos confiesa desde el Viejo Continente que ya quiere volver a Latinoamérica para “tomar un poco de fresco”. “Hace tanto calor, no recordamos haber sufrido nunca tanto calor, es una cosa … Read more

En su 135 aniversario la UC reitera compromiso con el proceso constitucional y de paz en Chile

En un concurrido Salón Juan Francisco Fresno, en el Centro de Extensión Alameda, se realizó la celebración del Día del Sagrado Corazón, patrono de nuestra casa de estudios, que este año conmemora sus 135 años de vida al servicio del país. Como todos los años las actividades comenzaron con una misa que fue celebrada por el arzobispo de … Read more

Electricity group Statkraft Chile: “We hope to make an acquisition this year”

In search of renewable energy projects, hopefully with a certain degree of progress to be able to quickly increase its production capacity, is the Chilean subsidiary of the Norwegian state multinational Statkraft. “We hope to make an acquisition this year to meet the goal of having 1,000 MW of installed power by 2028, with wind, … Read more

In the rivers of Chile, spirituality and development collide

MELIPEUCO, Chile — Mist erupted from the Truful Truful River as it flowed under the snow-capped Llaima volcano. Víctor Curin smiled when he saw the drops of dew illuminated by the sun. Leader of one of the indigenous communities on the banks of the river in the Chilean Andes, Curin took it as a sign … Read more

Convent of San Francisco de la Alameda: Witness to the history of Santiago de Chile

On October 23, the Jubilee Year and plenary indulgence began for all those who visit this oasis in the heart of the Chilean capital, whose first foundations are over 400 years old. In the heart of the Alameda, in front of the emblematic “Huelén” or “Santa Lucía” hill, the “Convento de San Francisco” remains stoic, … Read more

“Buscando a Dios” series: recognition abroad, indifference in Chile

A few years ago, the well-known Chilean journalist Jorge Said conceived and developed the television series “Buscando a Dios”, trying to generate audiovisual content that, along with being interesting and attractive, touched on universal aspects and motivations of human life, which challenge all men. at any time and anywhere in the world. Undoubtedly the nostalgia … Read more

Chile: the beauty of faith at a fair of pedagogical products for the religion class

Almost 200 students from 3rd grade to 4th grade exhibited at the 12th version of Expotabor of the diocese of Copiapoheld in the square of the city of Freirina, founded in the mid-eighteenth century, located 690 kilometers north of Santiago and 175 south of Copiapó, at the beginning of the great Atacama desert. The students … Read more

Parapsychology and spirituality in the Chile of the 20th century

By Sergio Salinas Canas The interesting thing is that the people who gave him these qualifications were outstanding professionals, doctors, engineers, lawyers, whose work was based on positivism, on that philosophical theory that considers that the only means of knowledge is proven or verified experience through the senses. The family of Jaime Galte narrated that … Read more

Álvaro Chordi, auxiliary bishop of Santiago de Chile: “It is not about reconquering spaces of power, but about being a living Gospel”

Pamplonica, ordained a priest in the Diocese of Vitoria and linked to the Adsis Communities, from whose spirituality he has been drinking for more than 30 years, the Spanish missionary Álvaro Chordi arrived in Chile in 2015. Since this past October 10, he is the new auxiliary bishop of Santiago. QUESTION.- These years you have … Read more

Indigenous people rescue the spirituality of medicine in Chile

OSORNO, Chile — During her first birth, Lucía Hernández Rumián danced in her hospital room while her husband played the kultrún, a drum used in the ritual ceremonies of their culture. She declined to take pain medication and instead received massages and scrubs applied by an “intercultural companion” who had purified the space following Mapuche … Read more