Una líder internacional New Age relata su posesión y «batalla contra el demonio» en Roma: «Es real»

Cuando Catalina Davis abrió los ojos un viernes del mes de mayo, estaba tendida en el suelo de la capilla de la Scala Santa, en Roma. Los bancos es lo primero que recuerda y, al fondo, una imagen de Jesús y María. En ese momento, apenas podía moverse, a consecuencia del “combate cuerpo a cuerpo” … Read more

Transmitting faith in the digital age

If he is recognized as a great theologian, Joseph Ratzinger was also a remarkable communicator, with a style all his own, whose legacy will undoubtedly exceed the temporal limit of his earthly existence. The fact that Benedict XVI don’t be a mass communicator — even though it captured the attention of millions of young people … Read more

Iván Fischer in Bruckner: Age Doesn’t Matter

More details Anton Bruckner (1824-1896): Symphony No. 9 in D minor. Budapest Festival Orchestra, conductor: Ivan Fischer. 1 Channel Classics hybrid SACD. Recorded in March 2021 at the Budapest Congress Center. Instructions in English, French and German. Duration: 55:33 Channel Classics Although having waited for the age of maturity to approach the mythical Symphony No. … Read more

‘How to learn to age’, central theme of the conference on health, spirituality, well

They will be held from December 19 to 21, at 7:00 p.m., in the auditorium of the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of the Region of Murcia. The Murcia City Council, at the request of the Department of the Elderly, Housing and Social Services, participates in the development of a conference focused on how … Read more

Former Pope Benedict XVI died at the age of 95, the death of an emeritus pope and theologian

Joseph Ratzinger died in the Vatican at the age of 95 this Saturday, December 31, the Vatican announced. He died nearly nine years after renouncing his office, a rare decision. His pontificate was to be one of transition, it had been marked by controversy. His Holiness Benedict XVI, Roman pontiff emeritus since his resignation from … Read more

The new age: a mix of UFOs, science, spirituality

follow this blog When the human being develops depending on the external: the issue of UFOs did not escape planetary programming. It could not be otherwise. It is in the hands of human beings. A human being who immersed himself in the systemic world without any doubt, without questions, endorsing the tools, the dialectical utensils, … Read more

Leonora Carrington: del surrealismo a la new age

Susan Aberth y Tere Arcq acaban de publicar en español la traducción, ampliada, de su libro editado durante la pandemia en Estados Unidos, El tarot de Leonora Carrington, a partir de las pinturas que realizó la artista británica sobre los 22 arcanos mayores, que nutrieron su obra y su pensamiento. En entrevista triangulada por Zoom … Read more

Le plus ancien catalogue d’étoiles retrouvé dans un parchemin du Moyen Âge

“ Quelle chaleur ! ”, se dit le moine en levant brièvement les yeux d’une pile de pages de livres éparpillées devant lui. « Au moins, j’ai la chance d’être assis derrière d’épais murs dans la bibliothèque relativement fraîche du monastère, alors que dehors le soleil brûle les rochers nus », poursuit-il en quittant la pénombre et en … Read more

With old age the world shrinks

Twenty against twenty. The coming year will herald an important turning point in the social and personal history of our country: the parity between twenty million workers and twenty million pensioners will be close. The remaining third, including children, housewives, unemployed, well-off and submerged, completes the Italian population. In a few years, just over a … Read more

“I am Catholic because of the Advent Wreath”: a conversion at 68 years of age

Mary Pomeroy was devout Christian for most of her life in charismatic Protestant churches, dedicated to serving the Gospel although knowing almost nothing about the Catholic Church. On the first Sunday of Advent in 2017, at the age of 66, she went to his first catholic mass for one reason only: they had told her … Read more