William Levy and Carmen Villalobos: the reason why the couple never had an affair

Written in CELEBRITIES the 1/7/2023 00:10 a.m. The remake of the successful telenovela “Woman-fragranced coffee” continues to conquer the hearts of many around the world, even more so after its launch in December 2021 on the renowned Netflix platform. This is why its main characters have been under scrutiny, two of them are William Levy … Read more

“Chronicle of a passing affair”: Emmanuel Mouret, or the love of the filmed word

When, at the beginning of the film Chronicle of a temporary liaison, Charlotte and Simon agree to maintain a relationship devoid of complications or sentimental commitment, we know from the outset, unlike them, that love awaits them at the bend. Indeed, after the happy bachelor and the unfaithful married man for the first time have … Read more

“Chronicle of a temporary affair”: Emmanuel Mouret and the mysteries of desire

Posted Sep 14, 2022, 10:19 AMUpdated on Sep 14, 2022 at 10:37 They are past the age, they say, of deluding themselves in romantic illusions. They no longer have the slightest desire, they claim, to exhaust themselves in clandestine love stories where the absence of the other and jealousy inevitably cause bruises in the soul… … Read more

The Pogba affair, the marabouts and Martinique

We have never talked so much about marabouts since the outbreak of the Pogba affair. Some of them also practice with us. But behind these controversial men hides a special story between Martinique and Africa. Who has never received in their mailbox in Fort-de-France, Le Prêcheur, Sainte-Anne or Grand-Rivière, a small white card, with the … Read more