Young in age and in spirit

The prelude of the Evangelical Youth Federation in Italy (Fgei) was held yesterday

The rhythm marked by the clapping of hands and feet accompanies the opening of the presynode of the Evangelical Youth Federation in Italy (Fgei), a close encounter between young people who brought out their affinities, their otherness, their geographical, denominational and interdenominational origins.

Their experiences emerged in the debate and comparison. In turn, sheltered from the summer heat under an old chestnut tree on the lawn of the Casa Unionista in via Beckwith in Torre Pellice (To), they spoke.

The occasion of the delicious meeting was the eve of the Synod Assembly, the meeting between Baptist, Methodist and Waldensian churches in Italy (BMV).

A “Pact” between different denominations that over the years has given rise to many experiences such as the Fgei or the periodical newspaper Reform – Echo of the Waldensian valleys.

Dialogue that began in Rome on November 9, 1920 (more than a century ago) and which today has been living concretely for more than fifty years.

The confrontation between the young people of yesterday continues with the stories and testimonies lived in recent years of pandemic tension intertwined between faith and daily life; they share their paths of faith, the ecumenical ones matured in these recent difficult periods but devoted to greater reflection, they recount the experiences born in their lands of origin.

They discuss the ecumenical journey, faith, spirituality. One word always emerges: hope. Despite the difficulties. Young people tell about their “boot” rich in diversity, cultures, dialects. A rich place for ecumenical and interreligious dialogue thanks to the connoted Catholic presence. We discuss Islamophobia, theology, racism, civil and human rights and hospitality, assemblies of ecumenical youth organizations and Christian student youth movements, above all we talk about the environment and safeguarding creation.

Driving the Fgei is there Annapaola Carbonatto, the national secretary. «This year it was necessary to emphasize the fact that we are facing an Assembly-Synod, that is, in a time in which not only Waldensians and Methodists, but Waldensians, Methodists and Baptists are experiencing a collective moment of confrontation. “The beauty of a thousand voices” is the title chosen by Fgei for this presynode, a reference to the initials of the initials BMV, to the beauty of the fifty years of dialogue between the three denominations. Each and every one of us with these differences gave birth and growth to FGEI. From the bet of wanting to get together and to undertake a common path – which up until the moment of that meeting no one had ever undertaken – we are like Fgei the living example of that daily experience.

Among the musical notes that spread in the park of the Unionist House, Carbonatto recalls the renewed Fgei hymnbook and the international and inter-denominational collaborations, as well as those of BMV. «Fgei, although it is a small organization, has large international collaborations. In these meetings, we find many similarities between our themes and those of and of the young people we meet: the protection of the environment, for example, which unites everyone. Defense of human rights and gender issues and women’s rights. However, we also find different visions in our journey. The pandemic has certainly been disruptive for the youngest segment of the world population. On the one hand it generated mental closures and on the other, new openings. Today it is important to put these two visions in dialogue. The policy of the FGEI is precisely this, to get involved, to commit, to live the faith every day in the public space ».

Young in age and in spirit