Vanessa “Ness” Serrano and the expansion of consciousness

Better known to her millions of followers as “Ness”, the influencer imparts advice on spirituality and awareness on her digital platform “Zertú”.

Vanessa Serrano is a Mexican businesswoman dedicated to the field of personal improvement and food. She holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy and has an Honoris Causa degree from the Jharkhand Rai University of India, obtained in 2019. She has dedicated herself largely to writing, signing several books that have come out under the prestigious Editorial Porrúa, such What “Your Masterpiece”, “Who do you want Zertú?”, “Think and make it happen” and “From normal to extraordinary”, also publishing under the Zertú label the books and audiobooks “I am God” and “The Healer of Souls ”.

But perhaps this influencer has managed to better position her commercial proposal on social networks and in digital environments. Serrano has a YouTube channel with more than a quarter of a million followers, an Instagram page that exceeds that number, and a Facebook page that has more than half a million thumbs up. In addition, she maintains a weekly blog and her app “Zertú” already has more than 200,000 downloads. Not bad for this woman who has struggled to become a leader in the field of self-improvement, evolution and expansion of consciousness.

As if it seemed little, the businesswoman and also a speaker is the founder of the Dasammi food company, through which she produces all the vegan menus for her eating and detoxification programs. This month, it is launching the Vegan Reset Program, a plan designed to have a plant-based eating experience for 7 days, the effects of which will be to detoxify the body, reduce weight and increase energy levels thanks to a menu which includes reducing smoothies, detox drinks and healthy dessert recipes.

“Zertú”, its digital platform, is full of online courses, programs and workshops designed to help undertake processes of transformation and personal change. Some of these are the spiritual healing Detox, the “Sadhana” ritual to let go, the Soul Healer and Think and Make It Real. All this offer of transformative products is possible thanks to the sensitivity and extensive preparation that Vanessa has had in this type of discipline, in addition to being an example of the manifestation of great successes at a professional and spiritual level.

Through her own experience, and throughout her life, Vanessa has always felt “a great need to help and sow in people the seeds of change and the evolution of universal consciousness as an imminent need to achieve balance between the material and the spiritual, in such a way that each person is both a receiver and a transmitter of the new awakening of the consciousness of being in order to improve as individuals, as a society, as a country and as a planet, reaching balance, light and healing that the Universe needs”.

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Vanessa “Ness” Serrano and the expansion of consciousness