US sabotage of gas pipeline and bridge against Russia

Pierre Theilhard de Chardin (France 1881-1955 EU)
Jesuit priest, philosopher, paleontologist.

* Religion is not just one, there are hundreds. Spirituality is one.
* Religion is for the sleepy.
Spirituality is for those who are awake.
* Religion is for those who need someone to tell them what to do and want to be guided.
Spirituality is for those who pay attention to their inner voice.
* Religion has a set of dogmatic rules.
Spirituality invites reasoning about everything, questions everything.
* Religion threatens and scares.
Spirituality gives inner peace.
* Religion speaks of sin and guilt.
Spirituality says, “learn from mistake”
* Religion represses everything, in some cases it is false.
Spirituality transcends everything, makes realities!
* Religion is not God.
Spirituality is everything and, therefore, it is God.
* Religion invents.
Spirituality finds.
* Religion asks no questions.
Spirituality questions everything.
* Religion is human, it is an organization with rules.
Spirituality is divine, without rules.
* Religion causes divisions.
Spirituality is the cause of Union.
* Religion follows the precepts of a holy book.
Spirituality seeks the sacred in all books.
* Religion feeds on fear.
Spirituality feeds on trust and faith.
* Religion lives in memory.
Spirituality is living in consciousness
* Religion deals with doing.
The spirituality of being.
* Religion feeds the ego.
Spirituality makes us transcend.

* Religion makes us renounce the world.
Spirituality makes us live in God.
* Religion is worship.
Spirituality is meditation.
* Religion lives in the past and in the future.
Spirituality lives in the present.
* Religion cloisters our thinking.
Spirituality frees our consciousness.
* Religion believes in eternal life.
Spirituality makes us aware of eternity.
* Religion promises after death.
Spirituality is finding God within us throughout life.

We are not human beings going through a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings going through a human experience…
Pablo Hughes Reyes (Uruguay 1946).

Intensify the fight against extreme poverty…?!??
that the same World Bank and the IMF, have created in 1945…?!

FRANCE: refinery strike, gasoline shortage and train Ukrainian soldiers. The European “gang” after 500 years against Latin America, now tries again now, to appropriate the territories and resources of Russia.

GAS FROM RUSSIA TO EUROPE. In 2010, construction of the Nord Stream pipeline began in Portovaya Bay (north of Petersburg), Russia.

While. The current EU-Europe VS Russia/Asia conflict too, is a neo-Crusader religious war of Christianity against Mohammed and Buddha including the gas, trade and military wars, initially against Russia (Alfredo Jalife-Rahme/Pablo Hughes).

The financial and commercial sanctions against Russia from the EU-NATO-European Union-G-7 had an opposite effect that has damaged Europe with rises in the price of energy, benefiting the US, which pretends to be the gas supplier.

Before, the wars of France and Germany against Russia they were decided by the Russian winter; now the gas war will also be defined by the high winter cost for Europe with the closure of the Nord Stream.

In this scenery. Russia and Iran associated creating a natural gas cartel having signed Russia’s Gazprom and NIOC (Iranian state company) a memorandum of cooperation for $40,000 million dollars. Russia and Iran are the first and second largest world gas reserves and Qatar the third.

On the other hand, Asian businessmen say that “the great winner of the Russia-Ukraine war is the United States because it will appropriate the European energy market” (a weakness of Mexico is the dependence of 80% of gas from the United States. For this reason, the United States does not want investments Mexican companies in the energy sector; for this reason Carlos, Ernesto, Vicente, Felipe and Enrique destroyed the government energy companies and also the agricultural ones to submit the economy and social policy of Mexico to the US).

Mass communication can turn lies into “truths” and convert the majority into believers in their ignorance, poverty and unconsciousness as “zombie” consumers that are the result of poverty, indebtedness, low schooling and US bribes to local elites to make it.

This is why the transnationals distribute millions of their “truths” of manipulation against the listeners themselves.

The big media: whose are they and who do they obey…?!

70% of the global communication offer is in the hands of 6 news groups. 80% of television and radio audiences depend on 4 boards of directors (Catalonia. Crític y Opcions/Sergi Picazo/Pablo Hughes).

In these times the media are undergoing a process of concentration as a result of the eternal crisis of savings and independent capital.

Some factors of the information concentration are, the decrease in income from advertising (for free internet), decrease in the paper press, loss of credibility before the citizenry and strengthening of individual means of intercommunication.

So. Communication groups increasingly depend on institutional advertising (political, business, government and banking power increasingly concentrated within the global financial system controlled by the US and partners: Europe, Japan, South Korea and others).

Independent communication projects have not managed to exceed the number of readers and subscribers of the large companies that have dominated the market since 1950 and 1994 (Internet). The independents will only be saved by citizen networks.

Thus, 6 large companies and 4 boards of directors give life to some 20 world communicators who control the information, opinions, ideological approach and topics to talk about in the streets and offices.

The 6 large transnational companies domiciled in the US are:
Time Warner, Disney, NewsCorp (merged with 21st Century Fox), NBC Universal, Viacom and CBS (the latter two could merge again).

A report by “Reporters Without Borders” denounced that, if in 1980 there were 50 large companies in the US that controlled 90% of the sector, today this number has been reduced to six.

The 6 communication supergiants control 70% of the business on the entire planet and own some 1,500 newspapers, 1,100 magazines, 2,400 publishers, 9,000 radio stations and 1,500 television networks.

The technological stage, have also entered the information market. Internet giants like Google – which bought the world’s main video channel, YouTube, in 2006; Facebook, which has acquired Whatsapp and Instagram, Apple –which has made a huge bet on online television to compete with Netfl ix and HBO–, Amazon, with its bet on Amazon Prime Videos–, Yahoo! or Microsoft.

Julia Cage (France 1984), has denounced the concentration and manipulation of information and points out the most recent trend:

“There is a boom in the purchase of historical media by billionaires from the technological world or the financial sector.” The cases of Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, who bought the Washington Post in 2013 or Warren Buffet, who through his holding company Berkhire Hathaway, have multiplied acquisitions in recent years – in 2012 alone, bought 63 newspapers from the Media group General.

After three decades of growth and stability, the socioeconomic crisis has globally affected the independence of the media. Within the economy, nothing is accidental. Meanwhile, with the sole variable of raising interest rates on money and credits to Ukraine, the US will pay for the trade and gas war against Russia.

Finally. The consumer, each individual, with his 300 decisions every day builds success or, his own hell, poverty, monopolies, oligarchy and submission to the outside. Remember, we are what we do and say; we stop doing and shut up… What do you think…?!

Outreach article of the Eduardo Galeano Study Center.
“Science is independence for democracy in history,
education and the economy.
Tlapancalco/Metepec, Tlaxcala. Mexico.

US sabotage of gas pipeline and bridge against Russia