Today dollar for the Colombian peso!

Although it can be perfectly controversial in the academic field or political ideology, even more so today when the tendency is to form a neofeudal system (the result of necropolitics and necroeconomics), the two models of political economy that have historically rivaled on the solution of the economic problem relative to what to produce?, how to produce? And how to distribute what has been produced? In theory, of course, each one has its own characteristics that distinguish it, but in light of the facts and results obtained, the two merge into one.

Both systems have been conducted under the premise that when the material dimension of the individual is fixed, the inner being is automatically fixed: emotionality, sentimentality, morality, spirituality, etc. But it has not been like that, what is inside continues without being fixed, “we continue as sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9, 32-38), because in many people the natural impulses and instincts that make them vulnerable to sadness prevail more strongly. , frustrations, regrets, remorse, etc., in a continuous proceeding of harming oneself and harming others.

In a broad sense, human beings are an integral part of the great system of nature (in its physical and living components), so we assume in general terms and under certain conditions, patterns or laws of behavior that are very typical of this natural group, which in turn are usually associated with behaviors related to the “natural instinct”, evidenced to a greater or lesser degree at all levels or strata of human needs: physiology, security, affiliation, recognition and self-realization (Maslow, 1943). Take the following illustration: a hungry animal processes only its priority to survive, which drives it to desperately seek a way to satisfy its need for food, and if it meets a rival who tries to dispute such a nutrient, it defends it and even with his life; this because it responds to his instinct or natural tendency.

However, this same human being, but in his spiritual essence, is consistent with the life model of Mashiach (or the Messiah) who arrived as an “ani” man (Hebrew word that means poor) riding on a “jamor” (donkey in Hebrew and equivalent to matter or materialism), is characterized by being completely detached from worldly and material ties (unlike “avion” or a poor person who wants what he does not have), so he has the potential ability to go against of that natural tendency that makes him act in terms of indoctrination criteria that have been implanted, promoted, learned and inherited from the material world. He even has the immense possibility of rising above that materiality, of going against the impulse of nature, which basically generates suffering and human misery.

For example, if they yell at you, do not respond with yells, if they slander and insult you, do not do the same, when they defame you, avoid defaming, when you are a victim of humiliation, do not reply in that negative way, etc.; that is, every time you act against the impulse that belongs to the world of nature or to the system of materiality, you are using a supernatural power that belongs to the spiritual dimension, which is the scenario of true “freedom” where you really we belong, characterized by prevailing the golden rule (“treat others as you want others to treat you”) and the silver rule (“do not do to anyone what you would not like them to do to you”).

With regard to rules associated with the precepts and commandments of God’s law, they constitute the essential pillars for real freedom, and also consolidate the bases of coherence to coexist with respect and harmony with each other, contrary to debauchery, fruit of the chaos and anarchy that the globalist, progressive and materialist plan tends to promote, which promotes harmful tendencies against the fundamental cell of society such as the traditional family, this through the denigrating humiliation of women as maternal beings, the ideology of gender (promotion of LGTB), transhumanism, population control based on policies of declining birthrates and exponential growth in mortality: institutionalization of abortion, euthanasia and self-castration.

On the other hand, absolutizing is on average the attitude of the human being. But it turns out that in the spiritual or quantum realm where God unfolds by nature, the prevailing notion is to relativize. Nothing lasts or presents itself absolutely. Everything has a relativism. God is light, God is energy, therefore in his dimension time does not exist. Everything is very simple, but humans make it complex. Love is the essence of relativity. Relativity is God. True love renounces reciprocity. Eternal love recognizes that in order to reach the resurrection, all the stages of the “Via Crucis” must first be fulfilled.

We are spiritual beings in a material or physical shell. The body has a settlement, but the spirit is infinite. The spirit needs food. That nourishment comes from the Eucharist and from the Holy Scriptures. The Eucharist is living communion with Jesus Christ to the full: furthermore, it has been scientifically demonstrated that it is present in the host; main food of the spirit.

We are not talking about religion but about quantum physics. The human being only usually believes or takes into account what he can grasp with his limited senses. But there are other frequencies that they are unable to access. More than a hundred years of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, but not even a significant number of scientists of the natural and social world understand it, and even less regarding the postulates of quantum physics, and even so they continue to deny the existence of God and the spirituality that integrates and surrounds him…

We are working on a theory about human needs that are handled in a traditional material setting but are manipulated from a spiritual realm. One of the premises focuses on studying the systematic process of destruction or transformation of the bases or values ​​derived directly from Christianity. People in general disregard or underestimate that values ​​are the basis of society, but in turn those values ​​are a function of the teachings of Christianity. So if these Christian foundations degenerate, it breaks with the structure of values ​​and hence the decline of society, especially Western society. There is much talk of a crisis of values, of a paradigmatic change, but it is not known that in essence everything comes from marginalizing the Christian bases.

Material atmosphere:

Colombia may begin to experience a situation very similar to that of Venezuela, in which all the “missiles” of international geopolitics are directed to try to prevent any strategy or action of the Colombian government in favor of the economy and for the benefit of society. be successful (from abroad with internal collaboration): to prevent this model that apparently has a socialist tendency from taking place. But it is insisted, we must make an abstraction, remove capitalism, socialism and communism, and what we are left with is a confrontation of international economic interests.

Indeed, if the international elites do not allow it, the panorama will become a situation equal to or worse than that of Venezuela. In other words, all the macroeconomic variables can collapse, and from there it is observed that the peso exchange rate with respect to the dollar tends to rise. But that of the exchange rate is not particularly due to economic factors, since manipulations that affect the emotional, sentimental and purely spiritual order are certainly influencing; to generate restlessness, uncertainty, concern on the part of Colombian economic agents, and of course increase the demand for dollars, of the North American currency, and this harm the exchange rate.

On our part, we sincerely hope that they can control it, first of all with the appointments of those in charge of the Colombian economic and finance cabinet, in a way that generates credibility; that the economic and financial policies that are going to be implemented are consistent and credible within the Colombian population, because if the opposite happens, the economic variables as a whole will be affected too much.

Finally, it is true that the trend indicates the collapse of the hegemony of the dollar worldwide, as a result of the progressive deterioration of the macroeconomic variables of the United States, in addition to the persistence or influence of other geopolitical factors. So in the concrete, its value at a global level will tend to its imminent fall and thus displaced by “another”.

But for the Colombian case, although it has supposedly “cyclical” economic problems and strong social claims, the causes of the exchange rate are due to negative expectations coupled with the rarefied political climate. Unable to control it, the peso will continue to depreciate, and it is not surprising that at any moment Colombians will also have their own Today Dollar…

As far as Venezuela is concerned, what exists is a bubble economy, a dangerous overheating in terms of foreign currency coming from abroad on account of remittances, which has generated a certain boom in some economic activities, where of course every dollar that enters is an “inorganic” money that multiplies the scourge of inflation and devaluation in the country. But on the other hand we have a high percentage of Venezuelans who do not have purchasing power, that companies have not been able to reactivate because they do not have the hand and other necessary inputs, in order to be able to contribute effective added value to the economy. Then the unavoidable formal reopening of the Colombian-Venezuelan border, from the point of view of the trade balance and the balance of payments, will generate an increase in the respective deficit. (Part of the answers, associated with an interview offered to the distinguished student of Social Communication at ULA-Táchira, Sánchez J; 06-23-2022. Curricular unit: Economic Journalism).

Source: “Contemporary Economic and Academic Perspective”. UNET. Years: 2018 to 2022. Pedro Morales. Applicant to Rector of the National Experimental University of Táchira (UNET)

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Today dollar for the Colombian peso!