This is how 2023 will be for Petro and Roy Barreras: Professor Salomón

Professor solomona Colombian astrologer and tarorista, threw the cards at him and at the president, Gustavo Petroand also one of his most faithful squires such as the senator, Roy Barreras.

Barreras in 2021 was diagnosed with a cancer that has led him to undergo surgery and receive chemotherapy treatment.

The fortune teller also revealed several chilling predictions about what will happen in 2023, where once again, human beings will be tested.

In interview with HSB News assured that the “It will not be an easy year” and like the previous ones, it will be a time for change and transformation.

Not only will water fall, but it will be accompanied by mud, the explosion of volcanoes and earthquakes.

Professor Salomón, faithful to his sincere and uncomplicated style, spoke without ‘minding words’; He also spoke of the good omens for Colombia, a sign of cancer, in this year 7.

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What awaits Gustavo Petro in 2023:

For Petro, 2023 will be a challenging year and especially due to its obstinacy.

all colombians “we must collaborate” so that it goes well.

“He is surrounded by a very strong Aries energy, but in a curious way he always makes himself shine”

One of the issues that most concerned people close to the president of Colombia it is about their state of health and that they have been affected by international travel at the same time due to climate changes.

“Before the middle of the year things will come that are not very favorable for him and the President, they will not be very healthy”

Solomon predicted that in the middle of 2023, “Petro is going to undergo surgery.”

2023 Numerology:

You have to know that the sum of 2+0+2+3= 7 and that is to say, that the sum of the digits in numerology, serves to discover what destiny has prepared for us.

This year comes into our lives loaded with a lot of spirituality, and it is a great opportunity to reflect on how our connection with that Supreme Source is.

“7 is the perfect number and the invitation is that we have to change.”

Solomon explained that it is not a number to be scared of and that it is necessary to return to spirituality, regardless of the religion one professes.

It will be a good year to meditate, breathe, do sports and changes in our lifestyles, which allow us to have a more conscious life.

The sentence it’s the best way to reestablish that connection, and it’s not just about saying a rosary, going to mass every day or ‘thumping your chest’.

It is more about taking a break along the way and connecting with that spiritual part that we all carry inside and asking ourselves: what to make of our life? either where do we want to go?

The great teachings that this number 7 leaves are related to lessons of life, death and life after death.

What awaits Colombia?

Colombia is sign Cancer and in recent months, he has had a strong discharge of energy due to the eclipses that have impacted him a lot, but better things will come.

This 2023 is “a year to recharge” and everything will depend on what we do for ourselves.

This past year has been one of great uncertainty given the election of Gustavo Petro, of the Historical Pact, as president of Colombia; However, the letters do not look too bad.


The financial issue is well-aspected for Colombians, and it is that Professor Salomón’s message is that we should not leave everything in the hands of the government in power, in this case that of Gustavo Petro.

“We must all do our bit from our jobs, so that the country does well.”

The Tarot reader predicted that very good and interesting things will come for 2023.

“The invitation is to fight for what we want and to invest in the country.”

We cannot wait for the Government to do everything and flee the country, we must take our responsibility, stop behaving like “babies”.

“The economy will depend on whether there is a collective collaboration.”

Salomón assures that it is a pity that they do not want to invest or work in the field, because that is where the main strength is.

“We will be the pantry of the world” And if we don’t turn our gaze to the field, very strong things will come, since this is the only continuous source of food.


2023 will be a good year to achieve, improve, stabilize or strengthen love relationships, and also to be reborn and change, to improve everything from one of the most powerful and universal feelings, how is love.


For Colombia, in this aspect, very interesting things are coming, in addition, many people who were going through a health problem are going to recover.

Solomon claimed that “2023 is a year of healing” and warned that care must be taken so that this balance is not broken.

This is how 2023 will be for Petro and Roy Barreras: Professor Salomón