The Universe is an infinite living being called God

With the eloquent title of “Who is the Universe?”, the Venezuelan psychologists Vladimir and María Mercedes Gessen have just published a book, in which they argue, based on the scientific knowledge of behavioral sciences, as well as on physical quantum, that there is a Creator of the Universe -so, in capital letters-, and they admit two probabilities: that it was created by a divine being from outside the universal sphere or that the universe created itself, being an infinite living being and with supreme consciousness own. Undoubtedly, a point of view that will generate many discussions and controversies.

This text invites us to suppose and think that, just as cells are living units within human beings and are probably not aware that they are in a living body and with their own consciousness, people could also form part of the body of a being with consciousness of infinite dimensions, as is the Universe. Do we live within God? Are we part of it? These are some of the hypotheses they formulate.

The Creation of Adam, by Michelangelo

Where we come from? Why are we here?

María Mercedes Gessen and Vladimir Gessen are married. She works in the clinical area and he as an industrial psychologist. Graduated from the Central University of Venezuela, they have a postgraduate degree in clinical psychopathology at the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain. They are authors of the books “Psychology for everyone” and “Being happy as a couple”. They are based in the United States and their opinions and writings circulate on the web and on social networks. They are also specialists in neuroprogramming, emotional control and in the psychology of spirituality, a discipline that analyzes and investigates where we come from, why we are here and what happens after leaving this form of existence.

They have also ventured into, and studied as a discipline, the psychology of religion, which encompasses the study of religions, cults, beliefs and doctrines from the point of view of science. The Gessen define themselves as free thinkers and are not atheists. They are currently developing a new concept: the mastery of happiness, which they will expand and make known in another forthcoming book.

In “Who is the Universe?”, their new book, the Gessens intend to provide an adequate answer at the height of the scientific knowledge of the 21st century. This is how they expressed it in their conversation with The Stimulus.

“The Universe is someone, not something”

-We are intrigued that in the title of the book they ask “Who is the universe?”, instead of “What is the Universe?”, since it is presumed that it is composed of matter, stars, galaxies and planets…

– It is true – answers Vladimir Gessen – we say who precisely because we refer to someone. Note that human beings are also made up, like the Universe, by atoms, by particles, like everything that exists, and when we refer to any person we say who. We do the same with the Universe. It’s about someone, not something. Human beings think and are aware of ourselves. In the book we analyze if it is possible that the Universe, as a whole, can also possess a consciousness of its own, a supreme consciousness.

-Some scientists think that there was a “Big Bang”, or initial explosion when the Universe was created and that one day there will be an end; otherwise, the Universe would be eternal.

-Yes, that’s the way it is, atoms are eternal and so are we. If the Universe ends one day and if it had a beginning, everything that exists, including atoms, was born there and will end if we go towards an end of the universe -María Mercedes Gessen argues-. When the Universe was created all the atoms were made. They exist from the beginning and they will be as long as it exists. They have coexisted 13 thousand 770 million years. When the Earth was created, it was made up of billions of atoms more than 4.5 billion years ago.

“Only the atoms that make up the rockets and satellites have left the Earth, and those that make up the asteroids that have reached the planet have reached Earth,” continues María Mercedes. Almost all of the atoms, in turn, are made up of particles and have been here since their creation. Therefore, everything on Earth has been formed by the same atoms and by the same particles. In fact, our luck is linked to what happens in the Universe.

The launch of the book by Vladimir and María Mercedes Gessen will be this Tuesday, June 21

The eternity of atoms

-But human beings are not eternal, nor were they born when the Universe was created, and they will leave their lives in a hypothetical end of the Universe. Or is it not?

“That’s why María Mercedes said that atoms are eternal,” says Vladimir. A human being today can contain atoms that in the remote past, 240 million years ago, were part of a dinosaur, or were part of a river or the sea, of an animal, of a plant, or of another human being. a thousand years ago. “Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, everything is transformed”, as the French chemist Antoine de Lavoisier pointed out more than two centuries ago, in 1785, when he discovered and promulgated the Law of Conservation of Matter. And now quantum physics ratifies it.

-We then have two possibilities: one, that each atom, each particle, was created from the beginning of time and will be present until the end. Or they have been and will exist, from and to infinite times. The first particles and atoms of our being, we receive from our parents in the fertilized egg, then we receive more atoms from our mother through the placenta.

-Then if we are born and then we die, we do not live the same as the Universe. Atoms are eternal, aren’t human beings?

-Let me explain yes and no. Our atoms, by ceasing to be part of the conglomerate of particles that make up our body, continue to exist. Since we were born, at every moment we obtain and release atoms. In each inspiration, when we drink and eat we receive atoms. And when we exhale the air from our lungs, or excrete tears, sweat, or go to the bathroom, we expel atoms from our body. This tells us that our entire being, perennially, has been composed of particles, atoms that exist, forever, since its creation.

-In the book, where we answer the question “Who is the Universe?”, we will discover that quantum physics will help us understand that just like atoms, there is an individual consciousness that has also remained since creation and that lives in the magnetic fields generated by the atoms of each human being. If our consciousness exists in each space-time since the beginning of the Universe, like everything that has been created, we will also see how each personal consciousness can communicate with the supreme consciousness and we will analyze if our own consciousness is as eternal as the Universe.

versions, Ebook, paperback and hardcover

a close ally

-Then the conscience of human beings would be eternal too?

-Yes, in different spaces-times -explains María Mercedes-. When we realize this, everything changes, gives meaning to our lives and leads to a very sublime and divine experience with the Universe. In the book we invite our reader to take this leap into the Universe and thus assume where it comes from and where it will go after changing the space-time of where we are.

-For decades, we have investigated and obtained answers on how the Universe can become our close ally and change, very positively, our present and future. We are sure that this experience will provide a better existence.

-How is it that God is in all atoms?

-We only repeat what the ancient books of the Abrahamic religions say -says María Mercedes- and in them we read that the Creator made us in his likeness and that he is found everywhere. Well, science and quantum physics have shown it to be true. Everything and everyone is made up of particles that, in turn, make up atoms and everything that exists. That is why everything in the Universe is similar, because all beings are created from conglomerates of atoms and particles.

“It iswe are in God and God in us”

Vladimir Gessen adds that “in the case of the human body, beyond the cells, we are basically made up of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium and phosphorus, which represent 99% of our organisms. Other five elements make up less than 1%, just 0.85%, such as sulfur, potassium, sodium, chlorine and magnesium. The remaining 0.15% are elements such as iron or zinc.

-For example-continues Vladimir-, water represents around 60% of the human being. The water molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom: H2O. Carbon, in the body, is almost 20%. The point is that God is everywhere, so God is in each of these atoms and in each particle that the atom contains. Carbon has 6 protons in its nucleus and 6 electrons in its electronic shell. In each of these particles is God.

-This means that, within us, in our brain, in our blood, in our entire body, is the Creator and his supreme consciousness. All the infinite force of it is in us and within our reach, and very few know it. Imagine for a moment that you could communicate with the Creator, at any time, and ask for his support and get it.

-This is what we learn in the experience where we answer the question “Who is The Universe?” -says María Mercedes- Think now that the cells of our body, which are living units, had their own consciousness, but were not aware that they are part of that human being, a living body with self-awareness. Perhaps the cells do not know that they are part of me as a person. And less than myself I am also a being with a conscience.

-Likewise, most human beings have not conceived that, like cells, we could be part of a Supreme Being, with consciousness of infinite dimensions, such as the Universe. If it were this way, we could live within God! -Vladimir points out- and this would mean that in addition to the Creator being in each one of our atoms, we would also be inside Him. We are in God and God in us. No more no less.

azon, distributor of “Who is the Universe?”, promotes it as the editorial novelty of the week

Everything transforms to be happy

-So you firmly believe that God is the Universe?

“Yes,” Vladimir assures. The physicist and sage Stephen Hawking indicated that he preferred to believe that the Universe created itself, rather than that someone else created it. Many people thought that he denied the existence of God, but in reality what he said is that the Universe created itself. He gave it at that time the connotation of being the Creator, not only of himself, but also of all things, so the Universe is God.

-María Mercedes and I asked ourselves a question at that time: If God created in his likeness, then if the Universe was created in the likeness of God, we would have to conclude that if it did not create itself, it was created by another Universe, precisely because of the likeness. When we see and understand this way of acting and thinking, everything is transformed and gives great meaning to our lives. Also, it gives us the power to be happy, overcome difficulties, and achieve our goals. Everything happens from the moment you take this belief about the Universe.

-But we explain that in the book -cuts María Mercedes-. We invite you to take this leap of thought and action, and to assume where you come from and where you will go from that moment.

The Universe is an infinite living being called God