The three fronts of relativistic secular religion

The human being faces the problem of whether the foundation of everything, including the moral order, is god or man.

Those who do not accept God, only admit the laws established by the States and other civil public authorities, human rights being the result of agreed procedures, which means that they can be modified with new human rights that can be changed and thus become a kind of relativistic secular religion that is making its way into culture and politics. There are three main fronts: pantheistic environmentalism, radical feminism and anti-natalist neo-Malthusianism. It is denied that there is a human nature, received and not constructed by man, and that human dignity is morally superior to all human creation.

The first of these objectives is pantheistic environmentalism, by which we go from being the kings of Creation (Gen 2,19-20) to being merely part of it. It is a universal ethic, based on consensus on relative values, such as caring for nature. In this conception one cannot be wise or happy or even enjoy health without spirituality. Of course, it is no longer enough to address it only from religion. The new cultural and economic forms demand another way of understanding spirituality, more open, less dogmatic. The old beliefs have become obsolete. In other words, it is a question of seeking a new or new spiritualities outside the Catholic and Christian sphere.

The New Age it is clearly pantheistic. The divinity of the cosmos cannot be accepted by believers in God, because the world has origin and age, and therefore it is not divine. Furthermore, I prefer to participate in divine life without losing my own personality, as Christianity promises me, than to dissolve in divinity like a drop of water in the ocean, as New Age thinks, thus losing my personality and individuality. “God and I are the same thing” is an obviously false pantheistic statement. But perhaps what impresses me the most is that this ideology does not answer the great questions of man, such as what happens after death. It is a new secular religion, a religion without God, or, if you will, a new God that would be the same earth with the name of Gaia.

Radical feminism gives way to gender ideology, an ideology totalitarian and hate-based. In 1967 the UN published the Declaration on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against womenin which, based on the existence of discrimination against women, they try, supported by the LGTBI lobby, to fight for the recognition of homosexuality and the removal of the term ‘mother’ of official documents because it drives women into slavery, defending instead access to contraception and free and free abortion, the traditional family being an institution to combat.

The neomalthusianism supported by many agencies and NGOs at the service of the UN defends globalization as an ethical-political principle of development and world ‘governance’, trying to protect rich countries with effective birth control from the growth of poor countries, and conditioning aid to these countries on acceptance of Malthusian programmes. In this conception, man is the cause of all the ills that afflict the Earth, so we must control the population and not allow disorderly growth. As for the Christianity and in a special way Catholicism, with its vision that the world is at the service of man, is the guilty of the environmental crisis and therefore must be fought.

The three fronts of relativistic secular religion