The shocking healing of a newborn that makes Mother Panas blessed

Maria Costanza Panas, a Capuchin Poor Clare nun, was beatified on Sunday 9 October in Fabriano

Pope francesco highlighted the beatification in Fabriano, of Maria Costanza Panasa Capuchin Poor Clare, who lived in the monastery of the Marche town from 1917 to 1963. The Pope exalted the charism of the nun, putting it in relation with the Council.

“He offered his sufferings for the Council”

“He welcomed those who knocked at the monastery, instilling serenity and trust in everyone – said the Pope -. In recent years, she, gravely ill, she offered her sufferings for the Second Vatican Council, of which she marks the 60th anniversary of the day after tomorrow. May Blessed Maria Costanza help us to always be confident in God and welcoming towards our neighbor “(Aleteia, October 9, 2022).

The clairvoyance of Padre Pio

Mother Panas became a Poor Clare after abandoning a worldly and brilliant life. And Father Pio (who read his writings and knew his fame) predicted his holiness. The friar with the stigmata was not wrong. In fact, on 18 February Pope Francis signed the decree that makes Maria Costanza Panas blessed. On 9 October, however, there was the beatification ceremony of the Capuchin Poor Clare.

Leemage | AFP

The miracle: the pathology from which a little girl suffered

Mother Panas became blessed following the recognition of the miracle performed in 1985, through her intercession. Mother Costanza, for the Catholic Church, saved the life of a girl suffering from “severe fetal suffering from fetus-natal anemia and cerebral haemorrhage, with multi-organ failure“.


No chance of survival

The doctors had not given the child any chance of survival, at least according to medical knowledge. It was the grandparents of the little girl who implored the intercession of Mother Costanza Panas. The recovery was instantaneous and shocking for the doctors following the child’s clinical course (Aleteia, February 24, 2022).

The relic during the beatification

During the celebration of 9 October in Fabriano, a relic of the blessed Panas was carried in procession. Which was then placed on the altar for veneration. It is about «one of her written by her and the pen used to do it – the vicar forane of Fabriano, don Umberto Rotili – by virtue of her vow in which she had declared that she would always and only write about Jesus. This writing of hers, throughout her life, is the center of her spirituality ”.


“The spiritual perfume” of Mother Panas

The archbishop of Fabriano-Camerino, Francesco Massara he recalled «the spiritual perfume that this cloistered nun emanated, welcoming the people who knocked at the monastery, including some priests. Then they became her spiritual children ». The Capuchin biographers write that Sister Pacifica “welcomed without ever giving the feeling of haste, listened with interest and advised with confidence, giving serenity, with a full humanity” (Avvenire, October 9, 2022).

The shocking healing of a newborn that makes Mother Panas blessed

The shocking healing of a newborn that makes Mother Panas blessed