The Insular Athenaeum held a literary meeting in honor of the mystic poet Leopoldo Minaya

The Interior Movement Island Athenaeum paid homage to the mystic poet Leopold Minaya. The activity, held at the San Juan de la Cruz Spirituality Center, began with a discussion between the writers from the introduction made by Don Bruno Rosario Candelier: «There are three words on the plane of creation that writers they handle, even if they don’t know what they mean, which are intuition, inspiration, and revelation. Then, with the teacher’s questions, Rosario Candelier led the attendees to reflection: “What is the difference?”.

He explained that the intuition it is the power of consciousness to capture the profound dimension of things, of reality». He stated that “intuition is possessed by all human beings, and therefore, by virtue of intuition, potentially all human beings could be creators.” However, he said that “not everyone develops the power of creation because there are negative circumstances that do not favor the development of creativity.” However, he added that “there are positive circumstances that activate the power of creation.”

In the case of inspiration stated that, “in principle, everyone also has it”, and that this is nothing more than “the breath that things have”: “Everything that exists emits signals, electromagnetic waves through which things reveal what they are, and our sensitivity has the capacity to capture these waves, although we do not capture them all». He said that when someone says, “I feel inspired,” “it’s because they’re getting those electromagnetic waves from reality, fluids from material things, or effluvia from non-material things.”

In the aforementioned introductory colloquium, Carmen Pérez Valerio asked the teacher: «Does inspiration produce a feeling?». Don Bruno Rosario Candelier responded that «He can produce it, but not always». Pérez Valerio added that “intuition produces knowledge and inspiration does not reach knowledge, it reaches a sensation”: “Intuition is captured by your intellect, that is the difference,” explained Rosario Candelier, “while inspiration comes from outside, not because your intellect grasps it, but because it is a breath that you have received from reality. That is, you can receive inspiration without you looking for it.

To the astonishment of some of those present that intuition can also be sought, the teacher pointed out: «Not always when we write we achieve a product of intuition. Let’s go to the etymology. In Latin it says sensed: «in» means ‘inside’, ‘get inside’. Intuition is the ability to penetrate inside things with the intellect, and when you penetrate inside the thing, you can grasp its essence, its value and its meaning». He added that “it was Henri Bergson who created the theory that writers must be installed inside the thing, as stated in his book Metaphysics».

Elidenia Velázquez stated that “in order to develop or feel intuition or inspiration, but more so inspiration, it must be in tune with sensitivity, that is, if you are not sensitive, so very much, you cannot have inspiration.”

Miguel Ángel Durán affirmed: «It falls within the miraculous and the spiritual, and not explained by science, why one, precisely, intuits that something aesthetic calls him. So, that’s where it comes from, like concatenated too, why do you create? That feeling is not given to the ordinary; it is given to a special being, precisely because that level of intuition has to do with all the external and internal senses». Rosario Candelier agreed and added that this is because “intuition has nothing to do with intellectual formation, it is independent”: “Someone can be a great intuitive without having literary culture, for example; an illiterate person can have a very great intuition, because intuition does not depend on knowledge, it is an innate power of the intellect».

about the revelation

When introducing the definition of “revelation”, Don Bruno Rosario Candelier indicated that “this is the most difficult part”, since “revelation is not achieved because it is sought”: “Revelation is a donation from on high; a supernatural power chooses a person to be a channel, a receiver of a message that comes from outside, from the supernatural». And then he invited the honored poet to testify about the divine revelation that is evidenced in his literary work.

Leopold Minaya, taking the floor, expressed gratitude for the honor and courtesy and the attention paid to his literary production. Among other teachings, he said that “God is permanently revealed to all”: “God is the absolute truth, and all truth is true insofar as it is already revealed, regardless of whether we cannot or do not want to see or hear.” He added that “truth is the sublimation of good” and that “there are general revelations and special revelations, and these general revelations are already in nature and can be grasped by anyone.”

I note: “But there are very special revelations that you need, let’s say, a qualification. God chooses the person for that previous qualification, for a number of attributes that can be dissimilar: that he has a great intuition, that he has a great reception, that he has a great soul […]; that is not limiting: it can be for any other reason». He also expressed: «My presentation concludes that the cycle has not been closed»: «The sacred texts of the Bible, the Koran and other religions, have only a symbolic, metaphorical and approximate value; therefore, comparable texts from any era and author have the same symbolic, metaphorical and approximate range, according to the time of appearance and according to each culture: new poets, new prophets respond to the canon».

«My work today is based on Don Bruno Rosario Candelier’s essay on my poem “La voz del Ángel”. I was required to speak of the revelation based on a mystical experience I have had»: «My poem “The voice of the angel” begins as follows: «Then the angel spoke». Start with a demonstrative adverb. What can be proven? What is already previously raised. Therefore, this poem is revealed as a fragmentary poem. There is a part of the poem that was not written. And we can speculate: the first speculation would be that this poem is part of a book entitled the sacred songs, and that before this poem there are four poems placed; and that the five poems make up a single poem; and that the four previous poems are mentally, emotionally preparing the reader to lead to that abduction, which is “The voice of the angel”».

Vision of Bruno Rosario Candelier on the revelation in Leopoldo Minaya

With the theme «The mystical intercourse or the revelation of transcendence in “La voz del Ángel”, by Leopold Minaya», lectured Don Bruno Rosario Candelier: «The revelation of transcendence is a unique spiritual phenomenon that captures the consciousness of prophets, enlightened ones, contemplatives, saints and theopoets through visions, voices, aromas, images and sacred presences coming from the subtle worlds in a supernatural fact that captivates, since it is a strange occurrence that alters and surpasses the normal condition of human consciousness». He stated that “heto mystical revelation it is the fruit of a generally ineffable divine inspiration through images and symbols of the sacred wisdom coming from the heavenly realms (Nous), and which captures a consciousness in an expanded state, such as that of contemplatives, enlightened ones, prophets, saints and theopoets».

“Angels are intermediaries between God and men,” he stated, “and an angel, by instruction of the Most High, chose Leopold Minaya as an amanuensis of divine wisdom and, in such virtue, a sacred message from the heavenly Nous was revealed to the interiorist poet through a ruah either divine breathas he reveals in his lyric: «Then the angel spoke/ (and I looked/ and saw myself/ and saw myself as a man/ and felt sorry for myself):// “God is one,/ God is multiple; / God is the Multiple One;/ He understands and envelops/ every expansion».

The teacher argued that «the poet hears the voice of the angel, listens to his message and, through the power of perception of his inner senses, captures and memorizes the divine dictation, which he reveals in the following verses: «And I inquired,/ and was told:/ “Wait; aromatizes incense; adhere the blonde fish.”// Then the angel spoke/ (and I looked/ and I saw myself/ and I saw myself as a man/ and I felt ashamed of myself/ and tried to cover myself/ with my cloak):// “The One is duality/ spatio-temporal,/ the beam and the underside/ —concretion and abstraction—,/ and the three presential dimensions,/ and the fourth dimension and the rest/ of the dimensions”».

He explained that he calls mystical copulation to “a special sacred communion that contemplatives, saints and mystics have when they experience the process of deification of the human soul with the Divinity and that entails an erotic-spiritual relationship in the interior of the soul or of the conscience, a unique experience of the spirit, which some saints and contemplatives reach, which has three levels of manifestation: co-participation of the body, emotional involvement of the soul and the inner rapport of the spirit. He stressed that “the singular poem of Leopold Minaya“The voice of the angel”, a luminous example of a sacred revelation and a paradigm of the theopoetic lyrics of Interiorism, is the result of a mystical experience of our poet upon receiving that spatial appeal from on High».

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The Insular Athenaeum held a literary meeting in honor of the mystic poet Leopoldo Minaya