Taggia: Ukraine emergency, from 30 September the reception at the Dominican Convent will stop

From 30 September the Dominican Convent will stop welcoming refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. The decision has two direct consequences: families who want to stay in the area will have to find alternative accommodation and the structure of the Diocese of Ventimiglia San Remo will resume its regular activities, as early as October.

“For many this date does not matter, but for all those who lived, attended or helped the former Dominican Convent of Taggia it has great significance: it is the date that marked the beginning of the reception of refugees from Ukraine – underlines Don Alessandro Bertone who managed the structure in this emergency phase – In these five months there has been an ever increasing willingness of many to support our Ukrainian friends with food aid, offers, friendship relations, transport services, donations of medicines and a lot of prayer on the part of parish communities and groups of the Diocese “.

The Center, born as a place of first reception to contribute to the difficult task of the Prefecture and the Police Headquarters, came to life in a very short time in the first days of March when the need to welcome became pressing and our Bishop found a suitable place for give temporary but dignified hospitality. “All the aids, events and activities that have taken place inside the Convent find their deepest meaning in the desire to give glory to God by serving man and recognizing in these people Christ himself who knocked on our doors asking us to welcome him “- adds Don Bertone.

“Providence, made present in the great availability that so many have given, has never been lacking, is not lacking and, certainly, will not be lacking. Our Ukrainian friends have always had everything and more: the hundredfold. – he remembers – Many of us they, also driven by the desire to integrate into the territory and thanks to the acquaintances made in recent months, have managed to find work on the Riviera, others in smart working with their Ukrainian employers, and all have managed to request and obtain what the State has destined them for the emergency situation “.

“To support a full recovery of one’s autonomy, intimacy and everyday life, conditions that the Center, due to its shape and purpose, cannot guarantee, if not partially, it was considered appropriate to accompany the Ukrainian guests welcomed to a new stage of their life: it has been communicated to them since mid-July that at the end of September the Center will conclude its service and have been invited to seek, always with the collaboration of Caritas and other voluntary organizations, other better situations where they can continue their stay in Italy. From October also the Convent it will return to carry out the service for which it is intended: a place of spirituality, catechesis and prayer. – Don Bertone concludes – Thanks again to all those who have been close to this welcome work at this time and who, in some way, will still follow it until the end of the emergency, which we all hope is close “.

Taggia: Ukraine emergency, from 30 September the reception at the Dominican Convent will stop