Summer Solstice 2022: Solar Woman Meditation

Excerpt from Yoga of the joyful woman, journey towards a peaceful and magical feminine, ed Flammarion, May 2022. Marion Sebih.


Chakra 3 : Manipura

Birthright : to act freely / to carry out clear actions / to aim straight

Life cycle : 14 years old – 21 years old, I experience the outside world, I act from my center (my navel).

Associated meaning : vision

Element : fire

Sankalpa* : “ I act with ease and clarity »

Meet the solar

Who is the Solar Woman?

It is connected to the fire element. She knows the joy of seeing clearly in everything and taking action with simplicity and efficiency. She ignores inferiority complexes. She lives a joyful exteriority. She likes to play with fire, she is adventurous. She doesn’t know the fear of failing. She acts with harmony, without unnecessary calculation. His energy is blazing. His actions are just and enlightening.

“(…) thought arrests action, it perverts it into a calculated gesture that loses all its grace, all its efficacy. Going back on a failed action is even worse. It is to sink even further into the mind. Remorse paralyzes, hesitation takes away the beauty of the act, thought separates the world. »Daniel Odier

The solar woman knows how to find her way and she inspires the world. She dares to shine and she thus makes all those who approach her benevolently shine. The key to the radiance of the solar woman is to silence, naturally, the self-sabotager in you. You know the one who wants to prove, the one who strategizes to be, the one who limits you.

Meditation and posture to find the solar woman in you

Meditation : connection to your sun chakra, manipura.

1. Sitting cross-legged, your hands are in gyan mudra – thumb and index finger touching

2. Breathe deeply into your navel to connect with your third great cycle of life. Conscious renewal of your inhale and exhale opens cyclical time. In this time of the sun dance, you can travel in your experience on Earth. Visualize that you are between 14 and 21 years old.

Inhale and exhale deeply.

Your eyes are closed, facing your third eye.

3. Let come to you the memories, the images, the feelings, the words, the people who are linked to this period of life. You are a teenager. You explore the outside world with curiosity. You are looking for experiences to know yourself better. You are going through a deep period of inner transformation: physical, emotional and psychic. The caterpillar has become a butterfly.

4. Take a deep breath and authentically answer these questions:

Do I freely experience the world ? »

Do I feel myself shining in the world ? »

Today you, take action easily ? »

5. Write down on a piece of paper what comes. Date the paper of the day of the meditation and title “my memories of a solar woman”. These impressions will guide your practice and allow you to feel your vulnerability or your power as a solar woman.

6. Place your memories, your paper in a sacred box made by you. Your memories are offered to the universe and to your practice. Let the universe act. He has heard your silent prayers. What needs to be transformed will be transformed. Trust in life.

7. Remember, everything is fair and everything is perfect when you are honest with yourself. You have nothing to prove. Your yoga mat and this book welcome you as you are.

Archer’s pose: radiate and have a clear vision

1. Standing, jump with your feet together to energize the body and awaken your vitality.

2. Continue to skip for 1 minute or 3 minutes.

3. Skip to relieve yourself of the tensions of the day and to feel alive.

4. Standing, spread your legs (about 1 meter).

5. Place right foot forward, toes pointing forward in line with right knee. Place the left foot back, facing outward at a right angle, toes pointed to the left.

6. Your right and left heels are aligned to balance the hips. Bring your body weight forward, keeping your torso straight.

7. Your right knee bends in line with the right toes.

8. Extend the arms in front, parallel to the ground, in line with the shoulders. Your palms are touching and your ten fingers are kissing.

9. Each hand then comes to form a point, arms still outstretched. Keep each fist closed and stretch your thumbs up.

10. Pull the left arm back. Your elbow bends back, parallel to the ground, as if to straighten your arch and open your chest.

11. Your chin is tucked in to stretch the spine.

12. Your eyes are open, your glance fixes the right thumb as if aiming at a target.

fire breathing

The breath of fire is based on a powerful exhalation through the nose. Exhale as if to blow your nose gently or as if to free the nose of small dust.

The exhalation pulse comes from your navel. On each exhalation pulse/retract the navel towards the spine. Inhale is brief. Exhale rhythmically and regularly. Feel your navel dance. Loosen your teeth and keep a relaxed face.

VScontinue for 3 minutes – 7 minutes – 11 minutes.

Switch sides.

Engage in the pose with equal energy left and right.

Finally, release the posture, inhale to stretch the arms above the head, exhale relax the arms.

Guidance :

The pose of the archer combined with the breath of fire is a key posture in kundalini yoga to act with confidence. Your breath of fire awakens your center of action (your navel) and clarifies your sight with power. Your gaze becomes clear and solar. Feel your belly button dance making you glow from head to toe.

Trick :

Your thumbnail can become a screen to visualize an action/project to be carried out during the summer of 2023.

You are the magician of your daily life, let your vital breath act, its resources are infinite.

You want to discover the 7 faces of the joyful and free woman, go to the new book by Marion Sebih, Joyful Woman’s Yogaed Flammarion.

The author

Marion Sebih is a teacher of Kundalini Yoga, speaker dedicated to the awareness of the living. His next book, Joyful Woman’s Yoga(Flammarion), will be released in May 2022.
His Instagram account: @marion_shakti
His book : Kundalini of the seasons, the yoga of the livingpublished by Flammarion, 2021.
His website:

Summer Solstice 2022: Solar Woman Meditation