Spiritual Evolution: The 5 Steps to Achieve Wisdom

We are at a time when we are really invited to work on ourselves, to lighten ourselves, to progress spiritually, knowing that we all have filters and interferences from which we can free ourselves. Even people who we think are very advanced, even when we ourselves think we are already very advanced. It is always possible to progress, and that to infinity.

Listen to yourself

The first tool is listening to oneself. This seems to be the basis of any process of personal or spiritual evolution. It is a question of coming back to oneself, to one’s interiority, to what our body tells us. It is also about trusting yourself, not adopting the practices proposed by others, but identifying the practices that suit us, at our own pace, according to the unique being that we are.

Questioning everything and admitting that you don’t know anything

The second tool is an invitation to questioning. We all have beliefs deeply rooted in us that have been distilled by lifestyle habits and by society. These beliefs are a construct that we may have needed at some point. The risk of clinging to it is to lock ourselves into limiting patterns, into new habits, and conforming not to what we need for ourselves, but to what we believe others expect us to do what is right. Do not be afraid to deconstruct these patterns. This idea of ​​questioning brings us back to humility. Of course we can always say to ourselves: “But I have solid foundations. We can be sincerely convinced of this. Yet we are just dust in the universe, ignorant of what we don’t yet know. Our beliefs, all of our beliefs, are bound to evolve. Even those who know, in reality do not know (and I am one of them); they can still learn. Beware of certainties and the spiritual ego.

Open your energies

When it comes to energy, some talk about chakras, frequency, meridians, etc. Our reading grids of energy fields do not matter. The idea here is to open our energies. When our energy is blocked, we cannot access the right information, the ones that will benefit us. It is possible to carry out an energetic cleaning ourselves (by the breath, the breathing, the energetic showers…), to get help. One of the best tools remains mediation, there are others, everyone will choose.

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A good circulation of energy will translate concretely in the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual plan. By raising our frequencies, we radiate love and we receive it. This love has the power to drive away the parasites which could pollute us and which will come off on their own, a little like a suction cup which would fall by itself because the vibrations which allowed its adhesion have changed. Our body knows better than ourselves what it needs to rebalance the energies. It’s up to us to listen to him and respect his rhythm. Of course, it is not a question of spending your time meditating or seeking to increase your frequencies by this or that practice. We are on Earth to experience life. It is up to each of us to find the right rhythm.

It is by entering into ourselves and opening our energies, by visualizing our bodies ever more, that we will open ourselves to others. Because we become available to give love (first to ourselves), and therefore to receive it. A bit like planting a seed that would benefit from the benefits of the earth and the natural elements.

Persevere in your practice

The fourth tool is perseverance over time. Of course, time does not exist on the scale of our consciousness, of our higher dimension, of the Source. But it exists on Earth. Our own transformation requires perseverance. For some, access to more inner harmony will happen very quickly. For others it may take longer. But if we persevere, things will move within us, our consciousness will expand, we will develop more sensitive and subtle perceptions, our outlook on life will evolve.

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One of the main obstacles when you don’t feel like you are progressing is the lack of self-confidence. A belief in us tells us that it’s not possible, or that we don’t deserve it. The first bias is ourselves. We are our first barrier. It’s important to keep listening to each other and practicing, and things will change when the time is right for us. This involves taking care of your body, having a healthy lifestyle, eating well, drinking good water in conscience, having confidence in what you see and perceive, accepting the new sensations you experience. ..

Take away your fears

The fifth tool is detachment from our fears. When we progress on the spiritual path, it sometimes happens that we begin to fear what we see, perceive, or experience. It may happen that we perceive negative things, or more exactly that we interpret them negatively. There is no need to be afraid but to transmute what scares us. It is a way of progressing. Love has the power to dissolve fears, it is even the most powerful antidote. This is why it is necessary to be in high vibrations, to feed the love in oneself and to radiate it, to put oneself in a positive state of mind, to let one’s energies circulate, to connect to one’s higher dimensions. It is then that we begin to tend towards harmony.

The five stages of the iterative process of spiritual evolution:

  • listen to yourself;
  • questioning everything and admitting that you know nothing;
  • open up one’s energies;
  • persevere in his practice;
  • remove fears.

These five tools are not a staircase of five steps that one climbs once and for all. They should be used in an iterative process. It’s like a circle that always comes back to the first step (listening to each other) and that grows a little more each time if we persevere, and that we can start from scratch for each new blockage in our life, each new limitation identified. And each time, we will have to go through the stage of questioning, through internalization and the body, the transmutation of our fears. Our beliefs have evolved, we have new understandings, we have adopted new ways of living? It is very good. But these new understandings and these new habits will also, at some point, be called into question, if we have decided to move forward and grow even more.

Like clothes that we loved, but that no longer fit us and that we will leave behind, to move towards even more harmony. By accepting that we know nothing, and by always opening ourselves up to love. This path whose stages are repeated leads us towards the spiritual vibration of wisdom, towards other processes of evolution, other experiences to be had, and perhaps on other planes. But for the moment we are on Earth where we have chosen to experiment with evolution through matter. It is from here in our bodies that we are being asked to reunite and personally prepare for 5D.

The author

Matthieu Monade is the author of the book Explore your past livespublished by Leduc editions.

Spiritual Evolution: The 5 Steps to Achieve Wisdom