Feast of the Virgin: Los Valles, a journey of spirituality to meet the Mother

During the last three days -December 6, 7 and 8- of the Festivities in honor of the Immaculate Conception of the Valley, when it is transferred to the Adn Quiroga Park, the Valley of Mercy, the Valley of the Eucharist, the Valley of the of Wisdom and the Valley of Blessed Mamerto Esqui. They will be novel spaces that will help us spiritually to better guide the heart to venerate the Mother. Today we will focus on the second of these Valleys.

In the synodal meetings, held in our Diocese, we heard several brothers who asked that, when the Feasts of the Virgin are transferred to the Adn Quiroga Park, we can have a tabernacle to adore Jesus the Eucharist.
Therefore, in these celebrations we will have the Valley of the Eucharist to adore, praise and thank Our Lord Jesus Christ present -in the consecrated bread and wine- in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.

The Mother always wants to bring us closer to her Son truly present in the Sacrament that we will celebrate in this Valley. Because the Eucharist is not a representation but the real, living Presence of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity who wanted to stay in our midst.
God made Man in the Person of Jesus will be in the Campaña Chapel awaiting the visit of all the devotees of his Mother, because ultimately that is the mission of the Virgin during these festivities: to gather her children to bring them to Jesus.

where to be

This Valley, with free access to all, will take place in a tent located in a sector of the Adn Quiroga Park oval, behind the main stage.
It will be inaugurated on Tuesday the 6th, at the end of the Mass in honor of the children with a moment of adoration.

Later, the Custody with the Blessed Sacrament will be taken to this Chapel where the Tabernacle will be for the reserve of the Consecrated Hosts, which will be distributed in the following Eucharistic celebrations.
On Tuesday, December 6, from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., the Valley of the Eucharist will be open with the theme of meditation With Mary, evangelize in love and joy.
On Wednesday, December 7, from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and from 3:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., the theme will be Mara del Valle, a path of love and gratitude.

On Thursday 8, it will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with the theme Mara invites us to make a pilgrimage with Ella.
Within these hours, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered, a beautiful opportunity to recognize the merciful love of God the Father, restore our life and be able to receive the Eucharist in the masses, to be in full communion with all the Church that pilgrims on earth. , with the purgative Church and with the Church that is already in Heaven.

Registration for the animation

During these 27 hours of adoration there will be ecclesial groups that will be in charge of the animation in this space. Those interested in carrying out these actions are invited to register.
There are 27 turns that can choose groups of parishes, movements, diocesan pastoral areas, institutions, schools.

The animation may be with songs and prayers of adoration, contemplation, petition, praise, interspersed with periods of silence so that there can be a personal encounter of those who attend with Jesus the Eucharist.
All those groups that want to register must do so by writing to whatsapp 383-4685847 or by email [email protected]
Instructions will be sent to help you prepare for that hour of Adoration. Once they agree to those guidelines, they must confirm their participation and the time slot will be assigned to them.

wifi with god

Just as permanent connection has become necessary for a large part of the population at this time, we yearn even more to always be in connection with God, who is the source of Life.
This space will help us perfect that connection contemplating Jesus the Eucharist, deepening that friendship that is central to our lives.

The important thing about this Marian feast is knowing and doing what the Mother wants: that we do what her Son tells us, just as he taught us at the Wedding in Can.
If we approach Jesus the Eucharist, we will be fully responding to Our Mother.

Feast of the Virgin: Los Valles, a journey of spirituality to meet the Mother