Esotericism: present and ancestral history of humanity

Esotericism has a long and complex history that goes back to ancient civilizations. Many of the practices and beliefs that are considered part of esotericism today have their roots in ancient spiritual and philosophical traditions from around the world.

One of the earliest forms of esotericism was Gnosticism, a philosophical and spiritual movement that arose at the beginning of the Christian era. Gnosticism taught that salvation could be achieved through knowledge, or gnosis, of the divine, and that this knowledge was accessible to a select few who were initiated into its secrets. Gnosticism influenced the development of many other esoteric traditions, such as Hermeticism and Kabbalah.

Other ancient traditions that contain elements of esotericism are the mystery religions of the ancient Greeks, the occult practices of the ancient Egyptians, and the spiritual philosophies of the ancient Hindus and Buddhists.

As you can see, esotericism has a long and varied history, with roots in many different cultures and times.

What is esotericism?

Esotericism is a term that refers to a series of beliefs and practices that focus on the internal, spiritual or hidden dimensions of life. It encompasses a wide variety of philosophies, traditions, and practices that may include elements of mysticism, spiritual enlightenment, personal development, and the search for occult knowledge.

Esoteric beliefs and practices are often characterized by a focus on personal experience, intuition, and inner exploration, and may involve the use of techniques such as meditation, visualization, and self-reflection. Esotericism is often associated with the belief that there are deeper, hidden meanings and truths that lie beyond the surface level of the material world, and can be accessed through spiritual or mystical means.

Esotericism can encompass a wide range of belief systems, including various forms of mysticism, spiritualism, the occult, and alternative spirituality.

But, what are the most widespread esoteric practices today? We have consulted the web, to obtain this information that we expand below.

tarot reading

Tarot readers, also known as tarot readers or card readers, are people who use tarot cards to gain information, guidance, and self-knowledge through divination. The tarot is a deck of 78 cards divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana, consisting of 22 cards representing the major themes and archetypes of life, and the Minor Arcana, consisting of 56 cards representing more specific everyday experiences. .

Tarot readers often use the cards as a tool for personal growth and self-discovery, and may use them to explore issues related to love, relationships, career, and other aspects of life. They may also use the cards as a way to access their own intuition and inner wisdom, or to connect with higher spiritual forces.

Tarot readings are usually done in person or over the phone, and can be individual or in a group. Many tarot readers offer their services professionally, either through private practice or at psychic fairs and events. Others may use the tarot as a personal tool for spiritual growth and self-exploration.

It is important to note that tarot readings should not be taken as a form of fortune telling, and the ideas and guidance provided by the cards should not be used as a substitute for professional advice or decision making. The tarot is a tool for personal growth and self-discovery, and should be approached with an open mind and a sense of curiosity.


Clairvoyance, also known as “second sight” or “clear vision,” is a term that refers to the supposed ability to perceive events, people, or objects that are not physically present, using means other than the known senses. Clairvoyance is often associated with psychic abilities and paranormal phenomena, and is often considered a form of extrasensory perception (ESP).

People who claim to have clairvoyant abilities may claim to be able to see visions of the future, communicate with spirits, or perceive events taking place at a distance. Some people may believe that they have a natural aptitude for clairvoyance, while others may believe that it can be developed through practices such as meditation, visualization, or other spiritual disciplines.

It is important to note that the existence of clairvoyance and other psychic abilities is not supported by scientific evidence, and many people view clairvoyance claims with skepticism. In general, the scientific community considers clairvoyance to be a pseudoscience and there is no reliable evidence to suggest that it is a real phenomenon.

The Moorings of Love

A “love spell” refers to a type of ritual or spell that is believed to be able to bind two people together in a romantic relationship. Love spells are often associated with traditional folk magic, and may be performed by practitioners of esotericism, witchcraft, or other spiritual traditions.

Love spells are often done with the intention of strengthening an existing relationship or attracting a new romantic partner. They can involve the use of various materials and techniques, such as candles, herbs, oils, and incantations, and can be done alone or with the help of a practitioner.

It is important to note that love spells and other types of spells or rituals that are intended to manipulate another person’s feelings or behavior are generally not considered ethical, as they are intended to control or influence another person’s free will. Furthermore, the effectiveness of love spells and other spells is not supported by scientific evidence, and they should not be relied on as a means of solving relationship problems or attracting a romantic partner.

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Esotericism: present and ancestral history of humanity