Do you want to live forever?

The 2030 Agenda is a United Nations action plan. That agenda sets 17 goals to be met by the year 2030 at the latest. They are very varied and when one reads them one finds that everything sounds very nice: “we want to end hunger in the world”, “that people live in peace”, “that they be free and equal”, etc. When you read that, you fall asleep because you are reading a piece of political marketing. But when you begin to read between the lines, you will find that among the different goals of the 17 objectives some things are subliminally extracted that are no longer so clear. For example, in four objectives appears the legalization of abortion, the gender ideology promoted towards children in schools. One of the goals of education calls for children to be educated for global citizenship, when in reality we are citizens, not of the world but of nation states… could it be that a global government is being formed? (Laje Agustin, 2022).

From the theological perspective, God creates the world and creates everything in it. On the sixth day he creates man, and when man arrives in the world he understands that there are physical things, Genesis 1, 1: “God, in the beginning created the heavens and the earth”. But then comes Genesis 1, 2, and expresses the following: “The earth was in total chaos, darkness covered the abyss, and the Spirit of God moved on the surface of the waters”. The divine Spirit is the first time it is mentioned in the Bible, which implies that there is an intangible and invisible entity that is complemented or integrated with matter or the physical earthly world.

In this regard, take into consideration the quote from Colossians 1, 15-16:

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible; be thrones, be dominions, be principalities, be powers; everything was created through him and for him.

This biblical passage makes it clear to us that there are two worlds, the one we can see, and the one that is invisible. It also tells us that there is existence on earth (visible) and in heaven (invisible). Now, this makes it very clear to us that when we have a materialistic approach, the existence of the whole created by God is denied: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

But the natural man does not perceive the things that are of the Spirit of God, because for him they are, he cannot understand them, because they have to be discerned spiritually. (1 Corinthians 2:14).

However, in three-dimensional reality, our senses interact strictly and exclusively with matter, that is, with the things that surround us. By focusing clearly on the senses, we can assume a deterministic position, adjustable this, to the current of thought that has affinity with materialism, which in short integrates the paradigm of considering everything that exists in terms of matter: outside of she would not exist anymore.

Obviously human thought is not an innate matter, but on the contrary it is the product of everything that is captured and collected from the environment. So much so that if the human memory or the level of consciousness is erased or reset by any factor or circumstance, thought would also tend to be reduced, and would only begin to accumulate again through the information that is captured with the senses in continuous interaction. with the environment and all that it represents in the cognitive, emotional, moral, ethical, religious and spiritual fields.

In this sense:

Very busy in worldly life and being informed of the earthly that fills the thoughts of banal and sick issues, but for prayer and meditative reading of the Holy Scriptures one does not have time, unaware that through them, as inexhaustible sources of health and wisdom, the Holy Father better favors the understanding of his Holy Will (St. Luke 6, 12-19).

In such a way, that if what is received or captured from outside the person is based on materiality and earthly criteria, of course thought is nourished by such foundations and with them the acts and behaviors of people are promoted. So, for example, the validity of the economic ideology of Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948), based purely on spiritual principles, becomes more relevant when it is recognized that the thought that accumulates and lives in the human mind is formed thanks to continuous interaction with the outside world: impregnated with materialism and all that it implies:

Watch your thoughts because they will become words. Take care of your words because they will become acts. Be careful with your actions, they will become habits. Watch your habits that will shape your character. Take care of your character because it will form your destiny, and your destiny will be your life.

In contrast, according to theoretical approaches in the field of quantum mechanics, as can be seen by the nuclear physicist Amit Goswami, also based on his different works, such as the case of quantum economy either Quantum economics (2016), there is a close relationship between science and spirituality, where the trend is that God occupies an increasingly greater interest in the rigorously scientific field in all areas of learning and knowledge.

In this regard, neurotheology or spiritual neuroscience, pneumatology and neurocardiology, each with its particular methodological and epistemological criteria, juxtapose their perspectives of study and analysis to obtain a better understanding of the behavior of human beings in their interaction with nature. matter but within an immaterial or spiritual spectrum. And it is valid as an illustrative corollary of the above, the scientific demonstrations of Dr. Ricardo Castañón in relation to the presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist (See: )

Do you want to live forever?

The Eucharist is the great spiritual heritage that all of us baptized (as Catholic Christians) have available to us, the greatest and best nutrient of the inner being that exists, but unfortunately (85% of parishioners do not attend mass) it is despised, wasted or rejected by the culture of spiritual anorexia, which results in forming an attitude (including in the cognitive, affective and behavioral) of refusing for whatever reason to defer the act of communion, which translates into a progressive “malnutrition” incorporeal and the consequent affectation of the spiritual immune system of the individual.

Although the “divine wisdom” is deficient, the broad earthly intelligence of the human being is undeniable, which has favorably impacted a systematic growth in the level of applied and innovative knowledge throughout the world context; but with all this, even more so in this new era characterized by the evident implementation of a globalist master plan, which aims to exterminate the Christian foundations of Western society (Why do you think it is insistently affirmed that there is a crisis of values ?), contradictorily, the individual has not realized or does not want to realize that his life, which he so desires to prolong, is only possible through Jesus Christ: “whoever eats this bread will live forever” (John 6, 51). .

Indeed, whoever eats this bread, whoever feeds on this heavenly bread, will live eternally in its spiritual configuration: because when the final moment of death is reached, let it be once, and only in its material structure: in the part physics that some are so determined to make prevail as the sole existential purpose. Therefore: whoever receives communion, whoever eats the sacred bread, obviously in a state of grace, confessed and without mortal sins, will live forever. Amen.


At a subconscious level it is being processed. The inner self, spirit, soul, heart and brain are integrating it:

The “countdown” is underway (Matthew 25, 31-40). So more than various changes that humanity is experiencing, it is a transformation of all behavior patterns, fundamentally due to the breaking of the moral foundations of human existence. Far beyond the religious approach, an immediate abstraction is made of the priorities that man (woman and man) is obliged to convert in favor of spirituality, otherwise it will be easily absorbed by the world system of necropolitics and necroeconomics, where the ancestral apparent and superficial confrontation between capitalism and socialism, they will be made to completely unveil the mask, and thus go on to consolidate a neo-feudal scenario…

Font: “Contemporary Economic and Academic Perspective”. UNET. Years: 2018 to 2022. Pedro Morales. Applicant to Rector of the National Experimental University of Táchira (UNET)

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Do you want to live forever?