Day of the Elderly in Argentina: Why is it celebrated on August 28?

Every August 28 is celebrated on old age day in the country to commemorate the declaration of the rights of the elderly that first lady Eva Perón promoted more than half a century ago.

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He did so that day in 1948 by emphasizing the importance of including in the Constitutional Reform those guarantees that ensure the care and respect of the elderly. This happened a year later, in 1949, by decision of then President Juan Domingo Perón.

What were the guarantees that Eva Perón promoted for the elderly?

Right to Assistance: every elderly person must have comprehensive protection from their family. In the case of helplessness, abandonment or greater impossibility of carrying out this task, the State will be the one who must take charge of said care.

Right to housing: everyone should have a comfortable space that helps care for their health and safety, through hygiene, heating and protective measures.

Right to Food: older people must have adequate food for their health, physical condition, weight and age, previously indicated by a doctor or nutritionist.

Right to Dress: promotes the guarantee of comfortable clothing, which is adapted to the climate and needs of the individual, such as the use of elastic waistbands when required.

Right to Physical Health Care: They must be assisted to comply with the intake of medications, exercises indicated by doctors and other requirements that take care of their organism.

Right to Moral Health Care: older people will be free to exercise their faith, spirituality, worship practices or any activity that contributes to their tastes, preferences and spiritual well-being.

Right to Recreation: every elderly person should have moments of entertainment and enjoyment, where they can enjoy themselves in a controlled and safe way.

Right to work: in the case of being in condition, productive work therapy should be carried out to exercise their physical and mental skills and promote self-esteem.

Right to Expansion: It consists of freedom of thought and expression, especially in the last years of a person’s life.

Right to Respect: every older person deserves respect, empathy and consideration from all individuals in society.


Day of the Elderly in Argentina: Why is it celebrated on August 28?