Daria Dougin: The Third Rome Against Globalism

Bravo and thank you for this lesson in spirituality and politics by Daria Douguine. We already miss Daria, when she was totally unknown to us, I speak for myself.
RI Pace Daria.

Here is, in English, a report she made in Mariupol two months ago, in the company of an American journalist (independent and also anti-globalist) John Dougan:

JD published an interview of his colleague in his YTube channel (to be searched in the same channel on the same date).

Give us, Bremen Info, more teachings from Daria and Alexander, if possible. There is material there to learn and understand the theory of Alexandre Duguine who proposes a political system of Being-at the service of the world and which is the complete opposite of the monster drawn by the MSM media.

Their religiosity, father and daughter, will allow us to get closer to the Orthodox religion which is a treasure of Christianity, and which we know little about in Catholicized Europe.
Why this wish on my part?

For my part, baptized Catholic at birth, I was “chrismed” at my request in a mature age of my life and therefore became Orthodox. Without denying Catholicism, I can obviously take communion in an Orthodox Church, in France and abroad.
Without going into detail, I was attracted above all, at the beginning, by the “beauty” of the Orthodox liturgy. You only have to go to an Orthodox parish to be sensitive to the magnificent and gentle beauty of the rituals: songs, incense, candles, bread and sweet wine… Russian, Greek, Serbian parishes, etc. and also French, churches, cathedrals, and monasteries there is no shortage of them throughout France.

I have made a way to reunify in this way, in itself, the original Church before the schism and I have since understood that the Catholic world and the Orthodox world, by uniting can better resist the globalism which is origin neither catholic nor orthodox. This is what is important in my commentary, more than my spiritual evolution.

Catholics and Orthodox can (and should) meet again, thereby erasing the (political) schism created by Rome by rejecting Byzantium on grounds that are only superficial quarrels, but must take the place of pretexts. Nothing to do with the differences claimed by Protestants who reject Mary, who do not communicate etc. As for the Evangelicals who dominate in globalist thought, are they Christians? …

Understanding the Orthodox by attending an Orthodox (French-speaking) mass is possible for a Catholic, and vice versa. It doesn’t matter if Rome, Byzantium and Moscow remain separate. The union of the spiritual hearts is done by the bases.

The globalist strategists of the Anglo-American Empire have understood this, and they focus on opposing Catholics and Orthodox, and use force to separate them, to oppose them so that they destroy each other: this was typically the case with the criminal aggression of the USA against Serbia, in which France unfortunately participated. By opposing Croats and Serbs in blood (admittedly enemies for a long time) by destroying the Kodovo, the Orthodox sanctuary of the Serbs, and by introducing a Muslim corner there, the Empire aimed to separate the Catholic world and the Orthodox world.
Let’s not forget the martyr Kosovo, Donbass of the time, victim of the Empire.

May you, Breiz Info, continue to enlighten us on the thought of this beautiful soul, Daria now pure soul, and the theory of her father Alexandre. Instinctively I place it in the path opened by Solzhenitsyn. He too understood the error of the West, and he was deliberately “forgotten” by the globalists as soon as Moscow Communism collapsed. Solzhenitsyn indeed spoke to Westerners when he understood our ills: It was then necessary for the Council of Foreign Relations to put an end to knowledge.
It will be necessary to give the floor to the immense author.
Thank you Breiz Info.

Daria Dougin: The Third Rome Against Globalism