Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew on the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus.

Furthermore, it is simply wonderful to welcome the enormous esteem that Jesus has for the
His divinity

If we still had difficulty believing in humiliation, chosen by Jesus
in assuming our poor human nature, we should finally be convinced
from his presence in the Jordan River, where, in line with sinners, he waits to be
baptized by John, the forerunner. The Lord accepts no distinction between himself
and men wounded by guilt; the Redemption in fact, before being Crucifixion, is
annihilation, in the Son, of the divine prerogatives. He, to restore the friendship of the
sons of Adam with Abba, His Father and our creator, must lower himself, up to
fully accepting in Himself our condition of creatures distorted by guilt. The
Seeing Him, Baptist would like to refuse, in fact he says: “It is I who need to be
baptized by you, and you come to me? – But Jesus wants it, above all because of the
fidelity to Scripture (=Word). Nor could it contradict itself, Verb (Word)
eternal of the Father. As soon as Jesus leaves the Jordan, he descends upon HIM the Holy Spirit,
under the guise of the dove, while the heavenly Father’s voice acknowledges, in the
Christ, the Son "in Whom He is pleased."
In the Baptism of Jesus we have the epiphany (manifestation) of the Trinity, united
in the exaltation of the “Son”, completely obedient.
It is important for us to understand the power of Love that unites the Three Persons
divine, among themselves, and to the new humanity, inaugurated by Christ, among us our model of
Furthermore, it is simply wonderful to welcome the enormous esteem that Jesus has for the
His divinity: He is, and remains, the eternal Word of the Father, who the Scripture (Written Word)
he reveals to men and always offers himself to us so as not to deprive us of his divine presence
regenerator, over time.
Soothe the heart…
…to contemplate the Trinity, which makes room in its depths for the humanity of Christ and, in
HIM, to our redeemed nature: God is and will always remain “with” and “for” us, but there is
more. In fact, I want to convey to you what I have read, in an Author of spirituality, in these
days: our heart is the royal apartment, in which the Lord of our life loves
to inhabit, to meet. “Praying” therefore does not mean repeating empty formulas of
affective attention, but to contemplate (=look with love) “our divine Guest,
who is present in our heart with his angels, loves to rest in us”.
We therefore learn to often look into the depths of our being; there HE is
present, also as Love, which takes care of us and recreates us (=makes us new), transforming
let our human poverties shine, if we commit ourselves to live humbly.
Happy 2023 everyone!

Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew on the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus.