Busca, an information office and a portal for the ecomuseum to come

Last Saturday, December 3, a workshop was held at the headquarters of the Ingenium association, open to all those with ideas for the nascent Busca eco-museum, with the councilors Ezio Donadio and Lucia Rosso present, with Hangar Piemonte and Italia Nostra. We have entered the heart of the study of a plan to bring the artistic and naturalistic heritage of the area to the awareness of everyone, locals and tourists and express together all the potential of the local associations, which adhere in large numbers to the project and are present at the laboratory . Those who were unable to participate can write to [email protected]

With the consultants of Hangar Piemonte, Maria Scinicariello and Roberta De Bonis, a group of about thirty people was present, many of whom representatives of associations that have already been operating for some time in various sectors in the field of culture and territorial stewardship and of local traditions. The coordinator of Italy Nostra Cuneo, Alberto Collidà also participated.

“We are very satisfied – said the two councilors who are following the project at the end of the morning – with how this process is proceeding, because we have set up a varied working group made up of highly motivated and qualified people in some strategic sectors of promotion and protection of traditions and the environment, elements on which an ecomuseum is based. Furthermore, we can count on experts from the Region and from Italia Nostra who direct us towards a working method capable of uniting the various already existing realities. It is a matter of putting together the various offers and making them reach the local and external public in a homogeneous, captivating and innovative way”

“Starting from the dossier created in the previous two workshops – explains Zelda Beltramo for the Ingenium association, which hosts the meetings – held with Italia Nostra in January and April, the focus of the morning was the development of three cultural itineraries, to be proposed to inhabitants and tourists in the next year”.

Divided into three working groups, with post-its, felt-tip pens and business model canvas (a very useful method for imagining, designing and optimizing a project in a single page), the participants started the elaboration of some paths, already hypothesized nun very useful method for imagining, designing and optimizing a project in a soel dossier “Busca through the gaze of Bella Antilia”, identifying families with children and school groups as a common target. The three paths chosen are “industrial archeology”, “culture, art and spirituality”, “paths in nature”.

The next action steps identified at the end of the workshop are the creation of a physical place of reference for citizens, associations and tourists valid as an information office and a dedicated online portal, alongside the institutional site of the Municipality, with specific attention to the beauties and to the cultural and tourist activities available in the area.


Busca, an information office and a portal for the ecomuseum to come – Cuneodice.it