«Battle of the method» and martyrdom of a Saint

Starting especially from the 19th century and, let’s not say throughout the 20th century, there was a very strong intellectual battle of opposing economic theses. As its creators were very high-level economists, this battle has been splendidly presented in the work of the great economist Schumpeter, Historia del análisis económico (citations from the translation by Manuel Sacristán, Ariel, Barcelona, ​​1971). In the section the Mephodenstreit was extraordinarily violent. As Schumpeter notes, Schmoller reviewed Karl Menger’s work negatively “in his Jahrbuch, and Menger countered with a pamphlet entitled The Errors of Historicism in German Political Economy, in which he brimmed with anger and naturally provoked rejection. The incident caused much unrest and set off an avalanche of literature; both took decades to settle down.” This struggle was introduced into economic policy and, through it, into social policy, beginning to orient, as regards Schmoller’s historicist line, the whole of German politics.

«Battle of the method» and martyrdom of a Saint