Antonio Castillo: “The Palliative Care Sessions are being a success and we will continue”

This October 26, at 4:30 p.m., the Cádiz-born actress and presenter Paz Padilla Díaz has attended the VIII Conference on Palliative Care in Melilla, and has given a talk, called “Spirituality and humanization at the end of life’, recounting her own personal experience with the death of her husband Antonio Juan Vidal, where she has assured that “in this society they do not teach us to normalize death”.

The prestigious oncologist Enric Benito Oliver Y the doctor and member of the Home Care Support Team (ESAD), Antonio Castillo Polo.

Words of Paz Padilla

The first words of the actress have been that “these days must be celebrated in Melilla and in all places because it is very important to save lives, and also to help to die with dignity, the accompaniment to the relatives and the overcoming of the duel”Paz Padilla stressed.

One of the main intentions I want to achieve by coming to conferences is “make death visible, we have never been taught to normalize deathand we have always hidden it, and I think it is time for society to see that death is part of life and to know how to deal with it”, insisted the actress.

Furthermore, he also highlighted that “It is essential to prepare health personnel to accompany family members during this difficult time and know what to do in this situation”which is why these days “are a balm for all those professionals who go through these circumstances,” added the actress.

appearance of the doctors

On the other hand, at 10:45 a.m., the doctor and member of the ESAD, Antonio Castillo Polo has made a small balance on this second day of the VIII Edition of the Conference on Palliative Caretogether to the director of the Camilos Humanization Center in Madrid, José Carlos Bermejo where have they ensured that “the Conference is being a real success and in their minds they just have to keep going”.

Feelings after the presentation

This appearance took place after the presentation given by the director José Carlos Bermejo, at 9:30 a.m., in the Assembly Hall of the Melilla Campus of the UGR, called “The humanizing dimension of palliative care”, under the moderation of the doctor from Melilla, Alicia Martín Hurtado. Por what after this exhibition, Bermejo has told what his feelings have been in this regard.

In the first place, the director has confessed that “palliative culture has an impressive humanizing potential for society, but especially for health care.” “In our country there is insufficient development, although there is gradual progress since the 1980s, which is giving very good results”he added.

In the fundamental aspects of the exhibition, the rapporteur has affirmed that in it “the most important keys and the functions that palliative culture has for society have been highlighted because in palliative multiculturalism is always looked at”. “One of the main functions carried out it is caring for the family in such hard times, and in addition to the biological aspect of the patient, emphasis is also placed on the emotional, spiritual and ethical spheres”concluded Jose Carlos Bermejo.

Balance of the Days

For his part, the doctor and member of the ESAD, Antonio Castillo Polo, wanted to make a small assessment of both October 25, when the conference began, and today.

Before the balance, he thanked all the institutions that have collaborated in these conferences and INGESA for being a participant, since “without their help it would not have been possible,” he assured.

Also, the doctor confirmed that “The final conclusion is that they are going to continue because it is being a complete success, around 110 people have signed up, plus all those who come without being registered, and that means that palliative care is permeating society, and people are seeing the importance of these days,” he insisted.

Thus, “He asked for patience and time because all this is a long-distance raceand we must put the little seed in the citizens and institutions so that they are increasingly aware of what palliative culture means in our lives,” Castillo concluded.

Rest of the schedule

After the presentation by José Carlos Bermejo and the appearance before the media, at 11:30 a round table will take place. “The human side of palliative care” with the speakers Juan Gabriel Pérez de Miguel, doctor from Ceuta, Hanan Ahmed Ouahid, FEA of Oncology of the University Hospital of Ceuta and Luis Utor Ponce, ESAD nurse. from Ceuta.

And finally, at 6:30 p.m., the day will close with a talk-colloquium. “End-of-life scenarios: dignity and autonomy from start to finish” with the speaker Félix Igea Arisqueta, specialist in Family and Community Medicine in Pozoblanco (Córdoba).

Antonio Castillo: “The Palliative Care Sessions are being a success and we will continue”