Alcara Li Fusi, San Nicolò Politi carried in procession by children

Like every year, the Alcara Li Fusi committee organizes the 17 and 18 August la party in honor of the patron saint Nicolò Politi showing himself in art, culture, rites and patronal feasts. Children are the real protagonists, with eyes full of light, and with great emotion they carry in procession through the streets of the town, the little Varetta, with the Lazzuna, San and Nicolò Politi. Accompanied and guided with a lot of attention by their parents, listening to the sweet melodious songs from the white voices of their children, followed by the town band.

Every May 3, the feast commemorates the “Miracle of the rain”, where large and full gray clouds were seen, pouring copious water from the sky to nourish the arid soil so that the earth would return to produce and give all the fruits and riches of which it is naturally rich.

In these days the community of Alcarese rediscovers the spirituality of the feast, involving the little ones as a tradition, and preserving that message of culture over time so that the peoples always find themselves in their integral identity.

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Alcara Li Fusi, San Nicolò Politi carried in procession by children