Al Kum! Festival an intense Sunday, the poetess Gualtieri protagonist of the special event “To small and large shadows, sound rite”

ANCONA – The 2022 edition of Kum ends on Sunday in Ancona! Festival, the event dedicated to care and its various practices, with a rich program of meetings and conferences on the theme of the end of life. Opening of the day at 10.30 in the auditorium with Guidalberto Bormolini and Luigi Epicoco, moderated by Antonio Sanfrancesco, on “What sense in the end?”.

Father Bormolini and Don Epicoco try to answer the question par excellence. For decades we have avoided confronting pain because we are unable to explain it to ourselves and ask ourselves what is after death for fear of the unknown. But only the assumption of our mortality allows for an ethics. Only the awareness of death opens up to the mystery, gives value to the everyday, resizes the ephemeral. Death is not the opposite of life, it is indeed an open door to life. At 11 in the Sala delle Polveri Laura Campanello and Augusto Caraceni on “Life in the hospice: the treatment of total pain between medicine and philosophy”. Counselor Campanello and Caraceni, director of the Complex Structure of Palliative Care, Pain Therapy and Rehabilitation of the Irccs Foundation, tell how the medical clinic in hospices takes care of the body as well as the psyche, relationships and spirituality of the patient to alleviate their suffering. , respecting the deeper meaning that this assumes for each one. Following a series of meetings with Marisa Fiumanò and Uberto Zuccardi Merli, Guido Tonelli, Federico Leoni and Ingrid Paoletti, Thatyana Pitavy, Stefano Raimondi, At 3 pm in the auditorium Mariela Castrillejo and Aldo Becce on “When love ends”. Can feelings, like objects, also fall into disuse? The psychoanalysts Castrillejo and Becce turn to poetry, cinema, theater, painting and photography to find metaphorical representations of broken loves, a lack that sometimes opens up in our path. From 4 pm Carmine Di Martino and, to follow, Annette Wieviorka, Caterina Giavotto and Giada Lonati, Franco Farinelli.

The special event

At 7pm, a special event in the auditorium with Mariangela Gualtieri (guide by Cesare Ronconi and introduction by Massimo Recalcati) on the theme “To the small and large shadows, sound rite”. The poetess Gualtieri will accompany the public on a journey through her lyrics on mourning with the aim of getting out of a narrow and gloomy idea of ​​death. Do not pray for the dead but pray the dead, so that they may tell us that perhaps it will be fullness and not decay, intoxication and not eternal sleep, expanded understanding and not extinguishing.

Tea psychology

In front of a tea or an aperitif, some appointments with psychologists and psychotherapists: at 5 pm Psychology at Tea in the Boxing Room: Lucia Becce with the students of Academy 56 on “Tolstoj. The death of Ivan Il’ič ”. “What if my whole life hasn’t really been as it should have been?” This is the question that Ivan Il’ič, the protagonist of a famous story by the Russian writer, is forced to ask himself when a mysterious illness, which has reached the peak of his career, confronts him with the now looming reality of death. Like a crack, illness opens an unexpected path of truth in Ivan’s life. The psychologist and psychotherapist Lucia Becce will talk about it. At 7.30 pm Aperipsì in the foyer: Melania Villa with the students of Accademia 56 on “Primo Levi. Future Perfect”. The psychologist and psychotherapist Villa will re-read “If this is a man” to understand the meaning of our passage on earth.

Al Kum! Festival an intense Sunday, the poetess Gualtieri protagonist of the special event “To small and large shadows, sound rite”