Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Hebrew calendar, which connects us with the deepest spirituality | AMIA

With the rising of the first star, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, begins today.

Addressing the entire community and society as a whole, the Superior Rabbinate of the Argentine Republic issued a message, in which the importance of the so-called “Day of Forgiveness” is highlighted.

“This lies in the possibility of connecting with the most spiritual aspect of our existence, and in the valuable opportunity that the fact of redeeming ourselves for the wrong actions we have committed in the past presents for our lives,” said Rabbi Eliahu Hamra. , Secretary General of the Superior Rabbinate.

“Just a few days ago we shared the celebration of Rosh Hashanah, dates in which we praise the reign of Gd in the world, in which we celebrate his Creation, and in which we ask him that the year that begins brings us happiness, good omens, prosperity and many blessings,” he explained in the statement he prepared for this occasion.

“In the days close to Yom Kippur, the gaze is turned towards ourselves,” he warned. “On the one hand, we do an examination of conscience, we dedicate time to introspection, we analyze our actions and we apologize for our mistakes.”

“But we also connect to another level of our existence. Beyond the material superficiality of our being, we direct our attention to another dimension, the one in which sin does not exist, the one that remains safe from evil, and that protects and protects the highest part of our existence,” he said. Rabbi Hamra.

“Our material dimension has a certain time in this world, while our spiritual part lives in eternity. Every action we do during the year influences our lives, positively and negatively, but we have to know that even negative actions do not sully the highest root of our souls”.

“From this sacred place, safe from evil and negativity, a good influence for our existence descends. And it is on Yom Kippur that we have the opportunity to elevate ourselves, when we are imbued with a supreme spirit that takes us to another instance of our soul that is pure and sacred.

“At this point of elevation -continues the message-, we connect fraternally and friendly with our loved ones, we ask God for forgiveness for our mistakes and our fellow men, even if we believe that we have been right”.

“May the impressions received on this holy day accompany us for all our actions throughout the year. And we do it not only from the sacred influence that descends on us, but also through the actions we carry out that day, allowing us to be beyond material life, like the fast we practice”.

“On this holy day, in addition to connecting with the deeper aspect of life, we also honor the people who are no longer with us. We light a candle for their memory and ask for the elevation of their souls.”

“Yom Kippur proposes us to experience a connection so that we can all be united, to elevate ourselves, purify ourselves and have a prosperous year, full of blessings.

Gmar Khatima Tova!”

Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Hebrew calendar, which connects us with the deepest spirituality | AMIA