Who are the starseeds, these superior extraterrestrial souls who came to heal us?

Do you feel different from your peers? You may be a starseed, an extraterrestrial dense being, more subtle, wise and powerful. A revisited new age theory that seduces young people in search of horizons.

The 2000s had the indigos, the 2020s will have the starseeds. While the new age wave is breaking stronger than ever in the West, between well-being gurus, food spirituality and junk shamans, a new species is making itself heard on social networks: the starseeds. Their popularity is exploding on TikTok, where gurus seduce a generation anxious about their future in search of spirituality

Who are the starseeds?

The expression starseed (literally star seed in French) comes from the psychedelic universe and science fiction. We find traces of the expression in the novel Starseed from 1973 by psychologist Timothy Leary, in the manga series Sailor Moon or in the 60s TV seriestar trek. Today, starseeds are self-proclaimed hybrid, half-human, half-alien beings who are said to have arrived on Earth by accident. We owe the concept, (which does not lack poetry, it must be recognized) to the American Brad Steiger who presents it in his book Gods of Aquarius. Published in 1976, this work will feed the hippie imagination for a long time, from New York to California.

They are here to save us

A few decades later, the presence of starseeds on Earth is no longer accidental: it is the result of a shift in the universe which intends, thanks to them, to perfect the human race and save it from itself. .. On the blog Energy-health, we learn in a post dated July 2022 that: “Starseeds are essentially souls who are not native to Earth and who have incarnated here in order to do work for the planet. The Starseed Community is a group of people who are on the front lines, to ensure that the human race goes through a period of healing and comes together in Love, Compassion and Kindness. They felt like they were stuck in the middle of an ocean with no map or direction; lost and confused about where their life is going or what purpose they might be pursuing. But now the starseeds are awakening around the globe, remembering their heritage and their divine mission. The starseeds want the people of Earth to know that they are loved unconditionally by God/Goddess, their ancestors and those around them, but most importantly by themselves. »

Their mission: to save us and guide us to the Golden Age, whatever it may be. “Starseeds are Messengers of Love, Light and Truth. They were sent here to help everyone become more aware of their true self. They are connected to ancient spiritual teachings as they can easily access the astral plane. »

On Starseed Origin, Lætita, “starseed consciousness, coming from a density very different from that of the Earth” with an “indigo-dominant” vibration, offers guided meditation sessions. She invites the starseeds community to shine “with its most beautiful light. » Cost of the session (individual and by telephone)? Not stated clearly. For comparison, the site Divine Birth offers individual sessions relying on an “intervention of celestial energies” in order to “rebalance your inner space”. Cost of the session: between 60 and 200 euros.

How to recognize a starseed?

Before paying for this type of service, it is still necessary to verify that you are not yourself a semi-celestial being. So how do you know if you are a starseed? All you have to do is make a quick inventory of your personality and your moods. As explained cristiancaminero7 infallible signs allow you to identify starseed.

  1. You don’t feel like you belong on our planet. You feel like no one understands you and your (true) home is in the stars. Or as it would say Jean Frederic, “spiritual coach” to more than 115,000 subscribers, you struggle to “find the happy medium between Heaven and Earth. »
  2. You feel like you are not living up to your potential and that an important task awaits you.
  3. You are going through a phase of spiritual awakening, and you have the feeling of better understanding the universe.
  4. You have a lot of intuition, you have no trouble understanding the motivations of others and you can easily understand new concepts.
  5. You are very sensitive and empathetic, you can easily create emotional bonds with others, and you have no trouble perceiving what types of solutions could solve their problems.
  6. You feel like a old soulan old soul, who would have already passed on Earth many times, which would have allowed you to become extremely wise.
  7. Children and animals are naturally drawn to you. This is due to the particularly strong vibrations that emanate from your person.

It’s all you, right?

If following this product sheet was not enough for you, you can also indulge in a quick online session, halfway between meditation and hypnosis. Close your eyes and let yourself be guided by the beguiling and ethereal voice of mysticmamaq who, her head wrapped in an indigo scarf, urges you to remember: “Remember who you are. A magnificent angel. Starseed, remember. »

Yoga rooms in TikTok

Under the videos of cristiancaminero and mysticmamaq, a few sarcastic remarks: “yeah, absolutely all teens 😂😂😂”, “I detect a very strong main character vibe in the comments. “But above all an avalanche of enthusiastic returns:” it’s crazy, without TikTok, I would never have awakened spiritually”, “I just want to go home 🥺”, “I come FROM THE COSMOS. It’s me ! !! “, “incredible, I close my eyes and I see my past lives among the Mayas! (Why always among the Maya? Mystery.)

To date, the #starseed has over 700 million views. Normal, gurus 2.0 perfectly master the codes of TikTok. This is the case of Jean Fredericwhich uses the POV video format (for perspectivepoint of view) in fashion at the moment, and which does not hesitate to mingle with the usual #spirituality and #spiritualdevelopment hashtags likely to appeal to rap fans, such as #raptok and #freestyle.

Starseed or the syndrome of main character

When everything is collapsing and the future seems so uncertain, it is not surprising that we want to project ourselves to other galaxies. With the shifting, the Zs had learned to drift into controlled, semi-wakeful dreams; with quantum jumping, they had developed the ability to project themselves into another dimension; and with the manifestation, they had taken the habit of dialoguing directly with the universe. So it was only a matter of time before they directly claimed another galaxy.

Beyond their discomfort, would the Z also be victims of the main character syndrome? (or main character syndrome in French.) Probably. Fed up with the idea that they were “special” and the “heroes of their own life”, the Z would – like the millennials before them – have a propensity to imagine themselves doomed to an extraordinary destiny, like characters from their favorite TV shows.

Who are the starseeds, these superior extraterrestrial souls who came to heal us?