The Return of the Gods, an expo where the gods do everything you did not imagine

The Return of the Gods presents physical and digital pieces about the pre-Hispanic worldview and the possibilities of the metaverse.

In the exhibition “The Return of the Gods” you will see the pre-Hispanic gods as you have never imagined them: with iPad in hand. Oh yes!, life changes so rapidly that even they had to join technology, is it that mobile phones and the internet have already become our current gods?

What is “The Return of the Gods” about?

Under this premise, the plastic artist Arturo Dib creates a series of artistic pieces where he presents some iconic archaeological works from our Mexican indigenous past with humor and carelessness.

You will see the gods with face masks, brand tennis shoes, led lights, macramé fabrics and even with an iPad and cell phone in hand; this artist openly recreates our taste for kitsch, for cultural impurities and the misunderstanding of our own history, creating ancient and contemporary myths such as what happened with the arrival of Hernán Cortés, the arrival of Niel Armstrong on the moon, the dog Laika or even in everything we believe in Jaime Maussan.

Design Week Mexico returns with the exhibition of its Design House

We Mexicans are beings of legends and this expo reflects what we are, what we think until we become a kind of bizarre combination between our beliefs, our ancestors and the technological dependence that permeates this and nascent generations.

“Return of the Gods”

The author wondered who the new eagle warriors were, those warriors in the Mexica armies who carried obsidian weapons, who are the new warriors who will change and improve everything? Under this idea he creates the obsidian tablets that the gods carry in his collection, suggesting that technology is perhaps our new weapon to defend ourselves against the world.

This leads us to think how far we disconnect from our spirituality because of technology, an incredible tool for many things, but we also live in an alternate plane and stop living in it.

This work seeks to open dialogues through physical and digital pieces about the pre-Hispanic worldview and the possibilities of the metaverse. You can also take some of these jewels.

Visit “The Return of the Gods” at the Haab Project located at Amsterdam 255, Hipodromo Condesa. It’s free!

Who is Arturo Dib?

Within the field of cultural production and promotion, Arturo Dib is identified by his fluency and talent. Thanks to this, Dib has promoted cultural scenes within Design, Cinema, Music and today he concentrates on Art. Dib is not only a benchmark in the world of design with projects such as Lea Studio, a creative studio under which important co-creation projects have been produced, such as Cine Tonalá and Departamento, both in Colonia Roma.

Check also: All the places of CDMX and Edomex that appear in the video of Elton and Britney

The Return of the Gods, an expo where the gods do everything you did not imagine