Super Full Moon of June 14, 2022: implement your good ideas!

We have entered the second half of June, these weeks will confirm our intentions launched for your new life, your desires for change, you can already see a preview or a result. We can see that many of us receive signs, inspirations, intuitions, good ideas for his achievements, which certainly can upset us a little, get us out of our habits. It is important to pay attention to the gifts of life, which remain to be opened by opening oneself wholeheartedly.

A Super Full Moon that enlightens us

Mercury will enter its sign Gemini at the threshold of this Full Moon on its Gemini Sagittarius axis, and it will activate a powerful trine to Pluto giving deep intelligence as to the possibility of communicating with its unconscious, the mysteries, the invisible and the secrets. still buried. Mercury knows the Greek god of the underworld Hades well, since it is he who brings souls to him for the examination of conscience, and the door is wide open since the Full Moon in his sign on June 14 will amplify this, especially it’s the first Super Moon of the year! … Super Full Moons are closest to Earth, we feel their effects more, from there to descend into the realm of Hades, whatever … anyway, a super Moon which allows to illuminate more intensely the path of consciousness, which can give more inner clarity as to what is coming up in your lives.

Beware of disappointments

Two planets can play the “joybags”, all the same bringing back to see the risks of illusions, the lack of discernment. Two planets in retrograde: Saturn on Saturday June 4, began its annual retrograde cycle at 25° in Aquarius (Saturn will return direct on October 23 at 18° Aquarius). Whether on a personal or collective level, Saturn will ask to take responsibility for his “ Karma », to properly assess its objectives for new achievements. This will be the last retrogradation of the transit of Saturn in Aquarius, and Uranus in resonance will signal the blockages, the embargo.

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From my point of view as a symbiologist, this embargo also concerns our inner world, and will show us “our shortcomings”, our “essentials” to live. We will have to learn to get out of our comfort of points of view, to connect to other energies. And it’s amplified by retrograde Neptune, still relevant in its 14-year long transit of its home in Pisces, retrograde from June 28 to December 4, 2022, (from 25° to 22° Pisces). No doubt, that illusions, our confusions will pass through the detector of truth and reality and that our planet will not escape this confrontation, without forgetting Pluto and Mercury who will not let go of their revelations. We can still count on the spiritual strength of this planet Neptune, a transpersonal and unconditional planet, which facilitates contact with one’s inner life and with the qualities in one’s sacred heart which will be put into action, because let’s not forget that Jupiter and Mars in Aries will not leave you idle or passive. Enthusiasm and courage are present in this fire of desire.

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And then, Mars will be the subject of one of the most important conjunctions of this summer, finding Chiron on June 15, at 15° of this dark sign. This conjunction, exact, is at the heart of the Full Moon of June 14, Chiron therefore has all the possibilities for healing by the fire of the Creator Spirit, he gives the possibility of going to heal his wounds linked to the fears of going to the action, initiatives. But also healing of violence linked to lack of self-esteem, abuse and everything related to the Animus, to the “Sacred Masculine”. June 15, at 15°, is the number of the arcana of the Devil, an interesting symbolism, since it is about the integration of the illusion of the omnipotence of the ego.

Some keys to understanding and advice as to what is to come

Saturn will continue to put in place new structures aligned with the values ​​of this new era sign, Aquarius, to frame the “revolutions”, so that they are constructive and possible in their results. Uranus, the North Node and Venus will come to put in place many questions about the notion of space and territory, to manage to live them in peace and in respect of the beauty of the place. Understand what is beauty and peace in oneself and around oneself. Venus this summer will persevere to guide us towards more receptivity to welcome harmony. What does space mean to you? Fear ? Power ? Mystery ? Property ? Privacy? Consciousness of Being? What is the link between space and territory? What is happening in the world today reveals to us that our reptilian brain is still caught up in this struggle for territory, survival, power. It is up to everyone to find answers about their experience of space.

In conclusion, and in practice

Take the time for the Light, for your radiance, to create clarity. Connect your joy, that connected to your most intense desires, in resonance with your soul aspiration. Listen to your helpers, your allies, your messengers, start with an act, a committed word and they will be there, all the support and friends will be there. Trust yourself, let yourself be surprised. Find that sacred space, the awareness of your space. May the Light guide you in this summer, and why not a few astrology stars, if you feel like it.

Our author

Astrologer, spiritual coach-artist and energy symbiologist, Christian Maillé is co-author with Julie Gorse of the book soul astrology, published by Le lotus et l’éléphant.
Christian’s website:

Super Full Moon of June 14, 2022: implement your good ideas!