She was a renowned journalist, married Leonardo Simons and now lives in a Buddhist monastery: What is Alicia Gorbato’s life?

Alicia Gorbato was one of the most important journalists of the 1990s, but the pain caused by the death of Leonard Simons It changed the life of her and her daughters. After moving to Miami, United States, found a new path hand in hand with Buddhism and faith journeys. Currently, the 65-year-old woman He defines himself as “nomadic”, wrote a Mindfulness book and leads a completely monastic life. Likewise, from his social networks he teaches to meditate and shares his experiences around the world.

Since the end of the 1980s, the announcer has settled in the media carrying out different roles on both television and radio. One of her most important jobs was with Hugo Sofovich in the program “enough of me”, although it also stood out in others. During his golden decade, he also conducted important interviews with leading figures not only nationally but globally such as Facundo Cabral, Alberto Fujimori (former president of Peru), among others.

Alicia Gorbato stood out as a TV presenter.

Hits that changed her forever

While working as a journalist, she met the beloved host of Ta Te Show, Leonard Simons. After dating, They had two daughters named Vanesa and Barbie.. At the time, it was one of the most beloved couples by viewers, but after years of living together they decided to separate. In 1996, sadness came to the life of the family when the father decided to take his own life.

To get away from the pain, the 3 women took the difficult step of moving to Miami, United States. In their new residence they started from scratch and the mother He tried his luck in the well-known international television channels such as Telemundo and Univisión, but he was not. For several years he did the voiceover for commercials and also bought apartments that he recycled and sold. One day, through a friend of his mother’s, start the study of Art Curatorship in Latin American Art at Sotheby’s and later in Contemporary Art. At the time of starting his degree, it occurred to him to make art shows in exchange for work and help in hospitals or associations for boys.

Gorbato had a hard time getting a job in the United States.

Buddhism as a cure for the soul

In the most difficult moments, he found in meditation a place to clear himself and rest from his pains, however, made the decision to surrender his destiny to faith when he turned 50. At that moment, he changed his way of thinking and living, in fact, is characterized as a nomad. Likewise, he carries out his daily life with detachment and in a monastic way, that is, he does not have his own things, neither a car nor a house. Currently, He supports himself with the proceeds from his Mindfulness book and the sale of some paintings that were left to him.

Since 2007, he took another big step in his life and began to migrate to different monasteries around the world. Every year she volunteers at the Pema Ts’Al temple in Pokhara, at the foot of Everest, Nepal.. It is also noted that Gorbato appears on her social networks as a meditation teacher, traveler and researcher. According to the former journalist, found the meaning of his life and everything he had gone through.

the former journalist She is one of the Latin American communicators of spirituality with the most followers on Instagram and TikTok.. Through videos, he is in contact with his followers, gives messages of encouragement, advises on meditation and good nutrition for the body and soul. The woman maintained that she made about 800 lives, she makes reels that go viral every day and thousands of people answer her posts daily.

Gorbato assures that his wish is to live in a monastery, since there he finds peace that he does not find elsewhere. In a few days, she will embark on a new trip to Bali, Indonesia, where she will live for a few months away from everything. While in Argentina, he enjoys spending time with his grandson Oliver and his daughters.

She was a renowned journalist, married Leonardo Simons and now lives in a Buddhist monastery: What is Alicia Gorbato’s life?