OCP donates 25,000 tonnes of fertilizer to small Senegalese producers

OCP Africa, DR.

The OCP group granted Senegal a donation of 10,000 tonnes of complex fertilizer and 15,000 tonnes of phosphate fertilizer, intended for small Senegalese producers, we learn from the Senegalese press.

The official fertilizer delivery ceremony for this donation was held this Thursday at the warehouses of the city of Diamniadio, in Senegal, in the presence of the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Equipment and Food Sovereignty, Aly Ngouille Ndiaye, let it be known.

In this context, Minister Aly Ngouille Ndiaye welcomed the cooperation “narrow” that exists between the Ministry of Agriculture of Senegal and OCP through conventions and technical activities relating to soil fertility and fertilizers.

“Following a difficult global context due to the high cost of fertilizer, the OCP group, one of the world’s leading fertilizer companies, kindly made available to our country this donation consisting of 10,000 tons of DAP and 5,000 tons of TSP for small Senegalese producers. In addition to this donation, the OCP group will provide us with 10,000 tons of fertilizer which will be sold at reduced prices”said the Minister.

“This far-reaching gesture, beyond strengthening the partnership between Morocco and our country, thus contributes to facilitating access to fertilizers for small producers, to reducing production costs given the high cost of fertilizers. , to increase national production and to fight against the high cost of living by improving the availability of agricultural products”he continued.

For Morocco’s ambassador to Senegal, Al Hassane Nasir, who was also present at the ceremony, Senegal is “the country with which, for centuries, we have had close ties of blood, spirituality, solidarity and deep conviction of the uniqueness of our destiny and our common future”.

“Today’s meeting comes at a time when a geopolitical context reveals deep weaknesses in the production and supply system. And this particularly, in the agricultural sector and it covers the entire value chain. This has compromised the food security of many countries, particularly in Africa. Food insecurity, whatever it is, has also been accentuated by the combined effects of the Covid-19 crisis, climate change and armed conflicts that disrupt food imports. basic “, did he declare.

As a reminder, during the year 2022, several announcements had been made of donations granted by OCP to African countries, including Rwanda. In addition, on October 12, the group announced that it would devote four million tonnes of fertilizer to strengthening food security in Africa.

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OCP donates 25,000 tonnes of fertilizer to small Senegalese producers – Le Desk