Human Design, being yourself without conditioning

“Be yourself,” they say. How many times have we heard that? Often as encouragement for a nervous first date, an inevitable but depressing social duty, or the first day at a new job. There is always someone ready to give us that advice, armed with good intentions: “Don’t worry, be yourself and everything will be fine!”: Chetan Parkyn talks about it in his book “Human Design. Discover your true nature” .

Parkyn writes again: «The problem is this: how many of us actually know what it means to “be yourself”? Who is this “true self”, this inner and private being that hides behind the mask we wear for most of our social interactions? Who is this real person we are when we shed our egos and social conventions to gain respect, approval or popularity? Psychologists around the world argue that millions of people go through life never realizing what constitutes their true selves. It is as if we have forgotten our individuality in the collective rush to be everything to everyone, to adapt ourselves to the models of perfection that appear in magazines, television dramas and films. It is as if the naturalness and authenticity with which we are all born into the world, and which we lived with spontaneous abandon as children, have been crushed, repressed or even prohibited. In their place, the conformity and responsibility of adulthood have combined to distort or diminish our true nature.”

It is a truly topical theme at a time when so many people are asking themselves more and more questions about their lives and their choices. For this reading of “Human Design” becomes very interesting and useful.

«Millions of us, without even realizing it, show themselves to the world in a totally different way than they really are, adopting an acting personality shaped by past conditioning and by the judgments, expectations and rules of others. Along the way we have chosen and acquired acceptable traits and responses that are considered the “norm”, so we always tend to act as we believe we should act, or as we have been taught, keeping our inner being bound and gagged throughout. time. (…) – Parkyn writes again – Most of us have adopted a character, a term which moreover derives from the Greek persona, “mask”, but what matters is the authentic individual behind the mask and what matters is that we are “seen” and recognized for who we really are. (…)».

And the author explains what Human Design is all about: «A one-of-a-kind system, a self-awareness tool, a system where science meets spirituality, a system whose goal is for you to be loved, accepted and understood for who you are. This is why you are asked a preliminary question: «Are you living according to your Human Design?». This system is founded on the wisdom that accepting and embracing one’s true nature is at the heart of achieving happiness, fulfillment, and personal freedom, which, in turn, can lead to finding and creating healthier relationships.’

The book Human Design is the result of more than fifteen years of experience of the author in this field.

«Human Design is not a guarantee of happiness nor does it eliminate challenges and pain, but I have seen how it can transform lives. It certainly changed mine. Now my intention is to transform yours!» writes the author.

“Most of us, at some point, are so disappointed in our destiny that we begin to ask ourselves existential questions such as “Who am I?”, “What am I doing with my life?”, “What is my purpose?”. It seems that more and more people today are engaged in an endless quest: the perfect career, the perfect partner, the perfect life. The word itself, “search,” means pursuing something that is lost, in short supply, or missing, and we fall into the trap of believing that all the answers lie outside of ourselves. Instead, the answers are already found within us.

“The Human Design it is not a New Age concept: its precision is inevitable and timeless. It is not a philosophy or a belief, it is a reality rooted in science that expresses its power. It does not require attraction or the manifestation of desires. There is nothing to ask, to visualize, nor any positive thinking to practice, because its truth already exists within us. When I say that the truth is within us, I don’t mean to pronounce a fashionable phrase or rhetoric: I literally mean that the truth is within us, like a set of tools in a toolbox, waiting to be picked up and used. to carve out a personal space and a purpose in life».

The book, together with the free downloadable software, helps to know one’s “Personal Design” and gives that same key in the form of a graph.

«Once you have re-established contact with your “Design for Life” – explains the author – you will begin to feel its reverberation in all areas of your existence:

• in relationships and friendships, it determines the dynamics between people, allowing you to see where there is synergy, conflict or nothing in common;

• in the family and at home, explains the differences between brothers/sisters and highlights the practical and emotional interactions between parents and children, husband and wife;

• in the workplace, it illustrates to employers or customers the different natural abilities present in each person, an essential tool for improving collective productivity; at school, show teachers the capabilities of each pupil and how to get the most out of each child;

• on the social scene, it makes you aware of the “magnetisms” at play and of the reasons why you are attracted to some people while feeling repelled by others».


of Terra Nuova

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Human Design, being yourself without conditioning