How do seers see things? : prediction techniques and consultation materials

The power and the waves that often emanate from the predictions of clairvoyants leave the majority of consultants perplexed.

Faced with these perplexities, all those who have recourse to the spiritual practices of clairvoyants ask themselves a multitude of questions.

Thus, in the multiple questions, the latter manage to keep one that torments them each time.

It all boils down to how psychics see things. This article through the axes developed offers you healthy answers.

Psychic consultation materials

In the wake of the seers we find cowries, clairvoyance cards and coins that all have a meaning.


In order to channel events and have control over time, seers of old used cowrie shells. Indeed, the use of cowries by seers is not new.

So, this channeling instrument allows seers to have control over all objects in their wake and to see through them.

This means that in the spiritual practice of seers, the cowrie plays a very important role. This results in the divinatory protection of their own body and everything around them when they are called upon to travel in time and space.

Cowries are primarily used to penetrate mass unhindered. That is to say, the cowries initially facilitate the connection of seers to the invisible world and the purity of their soul.

But the perception of the consultants on this first material of the clairvoyants leads the latter to resort only to clairvoyance cards and silver coins in their presence.

Generally, seers are practitioners of spirituality, a science that uses materials from nature. Thereby, for more information please see the entire site.

Clairvoyance cards

The clairvoyance cards are part of the equipment of consultation clairvoyants these days. Due to the distrust of the consultants, the mediums have thought of designing clairvoyance cards in order to have the confidence of the latter.

Thus, to penetrate the world of people who come for consultation, clairvoyants use clairvoyance cards. Because of this use, neophytes call seers practitioners of cartomancy. However, the term “cartomancers” is used to designate seers and clairvoyants. This designation will improve with the arrival of seers’ silver coins.

silver coins

Over the years, with the concept of financial predictions, seers have come to realize that no one can use any instrument other than silver coins to reach true conclusions. This is why coins have been added to the consultation material used by seers.

Therefore, silver coins are the essential instruments that allow seers to predict the financial future from a third party or a company. Indeed, it is the creators of businesses or companies who ask questions that lead seers to use silver coins.

Moreover, the silver coins used by seers are of a pure and singular nature. Also, the use of all the materials presented above is highly dependent on seer prediction techniques.

Psychic prediction techniques

The real answers to the question of how clairvoyants see things are based on their prediction techniques.

Mind manipulation

The divinatory art that mediums need gives them the ability to manipulate the minds of anyone who comes to them. Indeed, mind manipulation is the act of making a spiritual entry into the memory of their host. The main purpose of this entry is to know the desires and the torments of the latter’s soul. Thus, this part precedes one of the most essential parts which is the emotional survey of the consultant.

Consultant emotional survey

After manipulating the seeker’s mind, emotional probing is the second technique for getting answers from clairvoyants. Thus, emotional probing is a technique for to get answers about everything the seer had seen while manipulating the mind.

The main things seers are looking for are what that living thing would really like and what would happen if it is not rescued. Then, for other resolutions, the seers have recourse to the operating modes.

How Mediums Work

Remember that the mediums approach this last part to obtain answers to their questions. This being that they have as their modus operandi travels in time and space. Indeed, to see things and find real explanations, mediums go through their minds. They are in front of the consultants but in reality, their souls and their minds are elsewhere. However, the predictions come from the confrontation of retrospective and introspective events that they detect during their travels.

How do seers see things? : prediction techniques and consultation materials